Monday, September 03, 2012

Onion Tart by Christine

Monkey's been looking hi and lo for a yummy and simple onion tart recipe and my dearie reader Christine was so generous to share a professional one with me :)))))

it's very USUAL of Monkey not to follow instructions
the recipe said 4 strips of bacon....and greedy me double that up to 8 strips

First of all u add a small amount of oil into your pan and fry the bacon till it's crispy
u don't really need much oil bcoz the bacon itself will release hell lot of oil that your veins will choke!!!! I've only used barely there oil....hahahahahaha

fry till it turned crispy and caramelised a bit
notice all the protein goodness at the bottom of the pan?
see the amount of oil left?

next with the remaining oil, sautee about 3 yellow onions
recipe indeed said....2 yellow onions but then it's really up to you

when the onions turned translucent, add 1 tbp of sugar, 2 tbsp of white wine
inside JS's cellar there ain't any cheap nor cooking white wine...
every bottle of whites are from eyes popped out when most of them are Grand Crus.
* come so many good white wines but never pop them open??? saving for what???*

so Monkey resort to cooking sake :D:D:D
JS cooks with japanese sake everyday - including stir fry vegetables
hence I substituted white wines with 2 tbsp of sake but lazy me refused to measure and dunk it as much as I like :P

along with all these, add salt and pepper to taste and finally some chopped taragon
lower the fire and continue to caramelize the onions for about 20 minutes
u'll need to stir occasionally

until they turned like this
I tasted it....OMG so sweet!!!!!

then add a dash of balsamic vinegar
and a knob of butter and this mixture is ready to be cooled

oh yea don't forget your crispy bacon
the fattiness of the bacon balance the sweetness of the caramelized onion
also u can taste a bit of sourness from the balsamic vinegar...
the taste is pretty balanced by now
lazy Monkey used pre-made puff pastry off the shelves
Pampas is my favourite brand. Alwiz have some at home...
so easy to make sardine puffs/tuna puffs/ sausage puffs/ chicken puffs/ egg puffs/ jam puffs
basically just roll them out and fill it with your favourite ingredients and voila!!!!

hmmm so now do u realise that most of the bakery/cafes been charging u a bomb for something so simple?
in fact puff pastry is not that difficult to make but I'm just so so so LAZY. Especially now that my asses have gained some weight...hua hua hua hua

roll our your puff pastry to 1/2 inch thick and put it onto a pan.
if possible fold the sides either in or out to create a crusty sides
poke everywhere with your fork and blind bake till it turned crispy at 190*C

after the blind bake, the puff pastry shrunk....>.<
oh dear~~~
I hope it's enough for the both of us
top it up with the caramelized onions and bacon

Prepare 1/2 cup of Gouda cheese
either u get the block ones and shave them
or just get those sliced gouda cheese off the shelves

put as much or as little according to your palate
and bake them again at the same temperature until it turns brown

oh I forgot, u may want to egg wash your pastry
I can't remember how long I baked it but just for a while I think
nothing more than 15 mins?
coz by the time I've loaded everything onto the dishwasher, set up the table and got *force* JS to open a really nice bottle of white wine for's DONE!!!
*well u know I won't attempt too difficult recipe don't ya?*

it's dinner time :))))
sprinkle the remaining of Taragon...I don't usually waste my ingredients
recipe says sprinkle flat leaf parsley

I have a feeling Christine must be smacking her forehead now coz I've only followed the recipe maybe errrr 65% and modified everything according to my liking and to her horror
Oh My!!!!
it's really good and easy to make!!!
JS concurred after the tasting test
I like my food spicy so I sprinkled some freshly cracked dried chili peppers from Sabah
spicy yo!!!! but it's really yummy!!!!
well do attempt it yea :))))
I hope u are able to understand my scribbly mambo jumbo recipe
*well it was very organised when I received it via email from Christine*

Thank you again Christine for sharing this with me
I'll make this again....definitely :))))))

and as for JS...he was a eppy boy bcoz he finally get to see and eat the onion tart I promised him last month, with the baking pan he bought mecoz the 1st time I used it to make a Malaysian Butter Cake and 2nd time for the Union Jack cream cheese tart

Happy Monday folks!!!!


  1. so easy! definitely going to try it. but my way also prolly like your short cut all one..haha

  2. Woah! It turned out well.

    I am equally guilty of not following recipes and pretty much go according to what I fancy and feel like modifying. So far the hubster has not complained about the modified recipes though I have a feeling its probably contributing to his ever expanding waistline...

    Bacons rescue dishes very well. I keep some ready chopped one to throw into any of my dishes in case they are not tasty enough >.<

  3. Yes....I am still nodding my head in concurrence :))

  4. so you have finally made this for JS!! and boy... I swear as I m reading the post, I could actually 'Smell' the awesomeness of the onions and bacon....

  5. aahhh!!! u made it!! so happy! don't worry, i din knock my head..haha..i'm actually very happy knowing you and JS enjoyed the tart. hope to see more of ur baking

  6. Thank you everyone :))))
    it was very very yummy and simple to make. Lurve it!!!

    Big thanks to Christine again :)))
