Monday, August 27, 2012

Sin Huat Eating House, Singapore

the famous Lorong 35 in Geylang,
Geylang is famous for its red light district and FOOD *hua hua hua*
this dinner outing was planned for JS bcoz he's never been to this place
yeah dun ask me why, but he's very "atas"

the above pic is truly important as a benchmark....bcoz u can see the sky is still bright and the sun was just about to set...looks like late afternoon right?
well kind of, coz we arrived her at 5.50pm
yes read me again 5.50pm

Monkey, J&J Jelina and James discussing on what to order
in case u are wondering...yes that's the boss/cook/sous-chef/commis/chef/waiter/runner/everything
u must be wondering how did he multi-tasked all the roles
dun ask...I find it over-whelming too.

if u are unlucky, sometimes the chef will sit down and watch his fav show before starting performing his own show in his kitchen :P

We were there early to book a table and also to order food
the ordering format here is pretty straight forward..

u cannot choose how u want it to be cooked
he will just ask u if u want prawns or not....if the answer is yes...that's it..dun ask him anything else...he will cook it the way he does it so well for you.
he will also asked do you want fish? don't even ask him wat fish and what's the cooking style...
for there's only one...just eat
if u would love some vege...just tell him u want asking what vege they have for the day bla bla bla...for there's only one type of vege in the kitchen

we then kept each other in company
bcoz we knew it's gonna be a long wait~~~~~~~~~~

Sin Huat is known to serve the best crab bee hoon in the world of Singapore
plus it is the only "tai chow" that accepts credit card
Sin Huat is not your usual eating house bcoz the boss cum cook has his own modus operandi in running this business...he decide how it's gonna be cooked and its price is definitely much much higher than most places. *that's y u need a credit card*
Later, Chef put on his sexay gangnam bootie and off to work, preparing mis-en-place, chopping tonnes of stuffs and cleaning vege
yes he's a control freak bcoz only him can do everything
the Missus helped out with serving drinks and preparing the table setting

Flatmate Amy soon came to join us in the waiting game for yummy food
thank goodness everyone has got their gadget to keep each other company

soon late evening turned to the sun sets..all the illuminated billboards and advertising boards lit the streets of Geylang and turned it to a really happening place
so now u understand why we needed a benchmark pic at the beginning just to describe the wait

as more customers filled the place, we soon know our food is on its way
but wait...the Chef then came out to check on us...and informed that he's not serving till everyone's here
and at 7.30pm sharp, after 1 hour and 40 minutes wait...
our FIRST dish of fried kailan/Brussels leaves came!!!!

it has got the breathe of fire with umami sauce innit
everyone was smacking their lips, either from hunger or this simple fried vege deserves its applause
the famous "gong-gong" or better known as sea snails
just blanched it and served with the famous homemade dipping sauce of garlic, chili, spring onions
the butterflied prawns steamed in special sauce, chinese wine and loads of garlic
only the tails were peeking out
the prawns were really fresh and sweet.....juices collected at the bottom were the best

everyone bz updating their Facebook, Twitter, watever~~~~~~
next dish was my favourite!!!!
steamed fresh frogs with chicken essence
the green bottles of yummy healthy goodness were steamed together with the fresh frogs

I can assure you it's really fresh bcoz a moment ago, I just saw them croaking happily in their cages
the auntie then served us this dish
she must have been busy chopping garlic bcoz her hands were full of GARLIC!!!
she then proceeded with snipping them off with a really sharp pair of scissors
I dunno wat's with J&J James's face...prollie the auntie has got BO
as she snipped, she kept on telling JS not to take her pic
pai seh pai seh
by then, all the chicken essence already blended in so well with the juice fr the frogs
this dish was gone within minutes

yes thanks to GOE, our champion :)))))))

a day earlier, the guys were pondering on what to bring to drink for this dinner...
they were contemplating a few bottles of champagne or whites
thank goodness we didn't coz Flatmate Amy can't even get a can of coke from the convenience store nearby bcoz this place only serves Pepsi and when asked if we can get coke...the lady just pointed to the faded signage that says...
"No outside food or drinks allowed"

all of us sighed in unison

next dish was a really fat deep sea fish
I'm really an idiot on identifying long as it's good...then it's good for me tummy
on the contrary side, if u present me sashimi cuts of fish...I am able to identify them for you
gawd....I have joined the Generation crowd where kindergarten teacher asked children to draw a chicken...and they drew a yummy drumstick -_-"

oh yum yum yum yum....
all gone bcoz we wanna follow the instructions of "eat while it's hot"
well when u dine at Sin Huat u better listen :P
hello crabie!!!! we are gonna eat u soon u know???

this was what we've been waiting for!!!!

there's not much of bee hoon actually
u cannot and must not ask for more bee hoon...else the chef may come after u with his knives or frying wok :P

in order to have sufficient ommmpphh flavour u need to have more crabs
the bee hoon was heavily infused with crab as it soaked up all its juicy yummy goodness

nobody touched the crab :P
but bee hoon all gone
Dinner cost about SGD 800
for a partay of 8
yes no one said this place gonna be cheap
but the frogs and crab bee hoon were to die for

Thank you M People for hosting us again
we went home with happy tummies :)))))

Sin Huat Eating House

659-661, Lorong 35 Geylang,
Singapore 389589.
Tel: +65 6748 9495


  1. First I wanna pengsan at the glorious Frog with 8 Bottles of Brand Essence (so 'poh')...
    then I pengsan again at that gorgeous Crab Beehoon (with lots of drooling)....
    Finally I pengsan at the price!!! (kakakaka)

    What a meal... I also saw this eating house from Anthony Bourdain when he visited Sg and the eating guru Seetoh brought him there.. =D

  2. Food Dreams: Hahahaha yes u are right...the frogs and crab are to DIE FOR!!!! Yep this is the same place as the one visited by Anthony Bourdain with Seetoh...but me no likey seetoh :P
