Monday, August 20, 2012

Juchheim Baumkuchen, Singapore

As usual, we were dashing around in Takashimaya 
I don't know why, but both of us lurve to dash from one place to another. Guess we just wanted to maximize our time or in other words, the Singaporean will call this "Kiasu"

downstairs at Takashimaya inside its amazing food hall, Monkey saw something that caught her eyes...she screeched and stopped staring into the glass display while JS was trying hard to pull her arms. 

Soon both Monkey and JS were glued onto the floor, hands in hands, staring into a machine that holds a log of cake, turning gently as it's been cooked.
*think I was so mesmerized by it I forgot to snap pic of the cooking process*
**or was it the rush for time???**

and one box to go was soon ordered
we didn't know wat it was but this cake sure looked damn good

pretty confusing huh? a German name but a Japanese company?
after much reading and research we found out Mr. Juchheim was indeed a German who was based in Tsing Tao China. He was later captured by the Japanese and imprisoned at Hiroshima during the World War 1. After his release, he opened a bakery in Kobe by the name of Juchheim and baked the famous German Cake.

Baumkuchen means tree cake
so u see when u slice the cake, the cross section looks like the log of a tree.

for this small ring of cake, it costed SGD 9.60
made from good quality butter, eggs, sugar and low gluten flour
almost like the indonesian kuih lapis but this is less sweeter and fluffier
basically it is not as heavy as kuih lapis
it's really light and fluffy like clouds
each layer was so even we wondered how did they do it
JS explained that as the log turns on its mechanism, the batter coats itself evenly at each layer, well my expertise is only on tasting

almost like a chiffon cake with an eggie intensity and buttery nose that u'll never forget.
On the box, it stated to be eaten in within 3 days...but we chomped everything down in 3 minutes
wanted to buy some back to Malaysia but we ran out of usual.

for more readings on this intriguing cake, visit:


  1. this looks good!!! who doesn't like buttery smell!!

  2. Yup, I dunno how to explain but it's a very delicate and fragrant buttery nose :))))

  3. seen this quite a bit at most Japanese stores but never got around to trying it... :)

  4. Food Dreams: must get those that are made fresh on the spot :))))
