Friday, July 06, 2012

Village Park Nasi Lemak, Damansara Uptown

my favourite food and breakfast...
anytime anywhere :)))))))))

the joy of chomping coconut milk infused rice with loads of cholesterol paired with spicy awesome sambal with intense heat, crunchy fried peanuts and anchovies with choice of hard boiled eggs and fried eggs which has got so high cholesterol on its own....that one egg yolk's total cholesterol is the total maximum allowance allowed for each living adult.
*244mg of cholesterol per egg yolk*
**yes that's the only allowed total per day**

so tell me how many eggs u eat a day?
nasi lemak with fried eggs for breakfast?
fried rice with eggs for lunch?
carbonara pasta for dinner? *the sauce is egg based*
oysters omelette aka "oh jien" for supper?

okie let's not divert...else this post won't be interesting anymore apart from the total cholesterol for the above plate :P

JS had this beeflicious beef rendang nasi lemak.
I didn't try it coz too distracted with other things *which u'll know wat soon*
I guess the key to any rendangs would be its taste, texture, and the balance of everything else

N.S. Queen Laily introduced this place to me.
N.S. = Nasi Lemak
that woman knows every single nasi lemak eatery at every corner of the town.

Village Park is very popular with regulars here...
we reached this place at 9.20am and we couldn't find a seat, despite that the shop has set up tables and chairs on its neighbouring shoplots, put up marquee right in front of its restaurants...there were hundreds hungry Malaysians gobbling down their plate of warm Nasi Lemak

WTF??? It's only 9.20am...
Monkey's first and only response was to get JS to queue up bcoz I was so worried about my "Fried Chicken"
hahahahhaha Kiasu-ness kicked in.
JS later confessed that he was pretty worried too at the queue bcoz the chickens were fast gone...but as fast as they were removed from its huge basket.....fresh ones were being added in.
This was my distraction~~~~
Nasi Lemak with all of its condiments and the famous deep fried chicken

the rice was steamed to perfection with fluffy grains
however it lacks the coconut milk flavour, nose and taste. Instead it has got very strong galangal and lemon grass nose. Some ppl actually like it this way. :))))))))))

The sambal was a disappointment bcoz it wasn't spicy nor sweet enuff.
perhaps the owner was too stingy with it...hohohohohohoho
but the chicken was a totally different story
super crunchy on the outside....on the inside it was moist and tasty
really marinated well bcoz as u sink ur teeth in....the taste of all of its spices namely ginger burst into your tongue

if u gonna lick ur screen, u'll definitely need a bigger pic..
there u go.....
*lick lick lick*

I don't mind coming here again for this fried chicken only!!!!

however service sucks during peak hours.
and u have to queue for your food even though you dine in.
lastly, the queue to pay money is even longer than the TOTO queue!!!!
coz u see, I dun like the idea of queue-ing to pay money.
plus parking is an ASS here.

Village Park Nasi Lemak
5 Jalan SS21/37, Damansara Utama,
47400 Petaling Jaya,
Tel: 603 7710 7860


  1. Nothing special ths place.......actually the beef rendang(comes with nasi lemak) at Dome cafe is better than here!!

  2. haven't made the effort to get up early enough for this place despite all the hu-ha for nasi lemak.

    lets see how since JS mentioned this is only so so... ;D

  3. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I like eating Nasi Lemak!
    BTW..u got distracted with what le? Other food? Or somebody was using a bag or shoe which u recognized. =p

  4. the only thing good bout this place was the Fried chicken!!!!

    I got distracted by that chicken lor :P

  5. May Ng4:08 PM

    Agree! this place is famous for the Fried Chicken, juicy and tender..but Mr. JS dun eat poultry one right?

    Dome cafe rendang is that good? Okie, its a must try food in Dome :)

    The beef rendang in Village Park come in very small portion, don't u think so?

  6. May Ng: yup that's why he had the beef rendang...I dunno about DOME's beef rendang...the sambal was too small...stingy~~~~
