Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Musang King

Musang King
or Cat Mountain King
Raja Kunyit
watever it is....this variety of Durian is one of the highly prized ones by Malaysian
it's famous for its creamy custard and a distinctive taste and smell
a good Musang King should have the usual bitterness at the end
that's almost "alcohol-liked"

guess it has to be the fermentation of sugar in the fruits coz remember, we Malaysians only eat rotten durians???
definition of rotten durians = we only pick those durians up once they fall off the trees
we don't pluck them off the trees unlike Thais.
Musang King got its name from its original place it was hailed from
Gua Musang in Kelantan

Today it's being planted in Pahang and Johor
the one we had here was from Raub, Pahang
it's pretty limited due to low supply, not many orchards have them yet
this variety just gained popularity of recent years, and it takes years for a tree to mature and yield good fruits

so I guess after a few years when all plantations started yielding more Musang King the price will drop?
currently most of Musang King durians are being sold between RM 30 - RM 45 per kilo
so this will sum up to about RM 100 per durian depending on its weight

the other variety that I like is "Ang-Hae" aka "Red Prawn"
this I have to drive up to Penang to enjoy them :))))
if u are craving for one now....please look at the pic and lick the screen
tee hee hee


  1. Anybody keen for musang king outing to Sg Ruan?:))

  2. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Aiyo...everybody is busy sharing and talking about Musang now...

  3. yes!!!!
    where is this Sg Ruan?

  4. Sg ruan is in pahang and near to raub and near to kg sempilit. Use to be a communist bastion/stronghold. Interesting "San chin"!

  5. WHEN??????????? wat is san chin?

  6. San chin is new kampung!

  7. u meant "San Chuen"

  8. eh, i am serious about going there.
    Huei has been prestering going to Raub for durian for sometimes. Let's a make trip!
    On the different topic, i grew up at San Chuen :p

  9. Can....just give me a few days notice.

  10. I need a few weeks notice!!! my June/July schedule is crazy :"((((

  11. May Ng12:17 AM

    Is that place open to visitors?? hehe

  12. It's my friends orchard :))

  13. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Musang Kings are not bitter. They are buttery creamy bordering on sweetness overkill.
