Monday, June 11, 2012

Mumok Museum, Vienna

Mumok = Museum Moderner Kunst
basically it means Museum of Modern Art

this was in our itinerary of must visit
there were tonnes of good museums in Vienna so we had to choose only those important ones to visit
u practically spend one whole week visiting all of its amazing museums
the external part of the building is pretty raw
and so was inside....
separated into a few levels, made entirely from glass and steel I felt like we were in a space ship
with its see through floor like the above just made me quivered
I was pretty mesmerized with its glass and steel lift
but it was still a scary ride....goin up and down innit
JS was all happy esp when he gets to see me terrified
we were required to wear a grey MUMOK tag so we can just hang around in the compound
I lurve it so much that I took it home :P

this museum proves to be different from the rest
housing works from the famous Andy Warhol *it is currently on exhibition in Marina Bay Sands*
Joseph Beuys, Nam June Paik, Roy Lichtenstein
nvm if you are not familiar with these famous names
soon u'll see their works here...on this blog :P
hmmmm......that's a huge saw!!!!!
and it looked so real
not only it can saw ur head off but almost every part of ur body
:P hehehehehehehehe
that's a very 60's ashtray in black marble
I remembered my home having one of those when I was lil gal
now that I've put myself next to it for comparison
that's one of a mother ashtray :P

different pieces of arts using different medium

aaaahhh I can't reach for the switch mom!!!!!

dunno wat it is?

now u get it????
hehehehe it's fun to look at each piece and then try to interpret them
I like how each articles were grouped according to medium and artists
in such huge space
can u spot that huge piece of cake at the far end???
alamak JS....these art pieces are made from cardboxes...
if u gonna wee wee on's gonna be GONE!!!!!
I have no idea wat these were
and the description in german ain't helping me...
later JS told me these were 2 pin sockets/plugs

I came for this Mickey Mouse with red heart by Claes Oldenburg
this famous sculpture did most of the huge pieces of everyday objects
when Mickey misbehaved he get this paperbag hood by the police
I lurve it so much
if only they have it for sale at the souvenir shop
this is so big it's enuff to brush my oven!!!!!!
later we walked through the Pop Art
the ladder as part of the art pieces
not that some workers left it there :P

that human standing right in front of this piece is not part of the exhibition
"Car Crash" by Andy Warhol
OK ok ok I must must must attend the exhibition by Mr. Warhol in Singapore soon
LOVE rising by Robert Indiana

wanna have coffee with me???

or get chased by a huge electric blue tarantula??
hmmm guess we were the only visitor posing with art pieces
so Malaysian hahahahaha

we saw many art students were doing case study, painting and drawing
and working adults visiting this place during lunch break
wat a way of life
no wonder Vienna was voted World No. 1 for the best quality of life
later we went down to the basement
art classes are conducted here
teaching u on the different medium and colors
since it was lunch break, no one was here...we just loitered around
looking at canvases by other wannabe art students :P
there's also a nice lounge at the basement with natural lights for visitors
lots of art books
if I'm Austrian, I can imagine coming here during lunch hour
*JS said more like me goin shopping on that famous street during lunch hour -_-*
Berr was here!!!!!

totally worth spending a nice afternoon here
and there's 6 more museums at this quarter from contemporary, art noveau to classical and impressionism.

Museums Quartier
Museumsplatz 1,
A-1070 Vienna,
Tel: +43 152 5000


  1. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I usually fall asleep or kept yawning if I were to go to a museum. hahaha....
    But this Museum looks quite fun hoh.

  2. Hahahah Melissa, you must visit at least one museum in every city u go to :))))
