Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kuey Teow Rua Tha Siam, Bangkok

This kind of shop no tourists will go
coz there isn't a word of ENGLISH on its signage nor menu
and the staffs speak minimum english

but this is the type of place we hunt down most of the time
the more rustic the better coz the food rating tends to co-relate with it

our most rustic restaurant ever in our travel journey was in Rome
where the menu was not in english,
they dun speak nor understand english
and we were the only non-italian in the restaurant
but Food connects people coz it's through speaking gibberish n sign language we still managed to communicate
the Power of Food!!!!
the typical mise-en-place on every table
of fish sauce, brown sugar, pickled green chilis, roasted green chili sauce

lurve their roasted chili sauce coz it has this toasty notes
with extreme spiciness to set u into the mood
and some tinge of sourness innit
I wanted to buy such chili sauce but can't seem to find any
later we found out, usually ppl make their own at home
this was a "snack meal" not lunch so we went easy on it
the above was som tum
not ur typical som tum coz it was mixed with fermented blue swimmer crab
some will find it disgusting but hey nobody complained that belacan was disgusting???

ruathasiam's specialties = anything to do with porkie
so u have deep fried sticky crispy pork, braised pork, roast pork, pork stewed etc

JS ordered a plate of braised pork belly noodle
really yummy coz the noodle was done al-dente
while the pork melts in ur mouth :))))))))))
belacan fried rice with stick pork strips
and salted egg
the salted egg here is tastier coz it's not so salty like those back in Msia
this dish looked so innocent but spicy yo!!!!

but the best ever was this dish!!!
in fact we came here for this!!!!
u gonna find the description super yucks but trust me....If I can endure and eat this so can u
so wat is it???

the pork tendons were very very gelatin!!!!!
just slurp all the way down ur throat :))))

the soup wasn't bloody at all...
in fact it was more of a pork broth with a lot of great spices innit
with the occasional bites of fresh basil

When I told BCBG Amy's hubby bout how yummy this dish was
his face was O.O and asked me "U ate that??? EEEUUUWWWWW...u actually ate that?? OMG it's so disgusting!!!!"
well if u don't try it u'll never know wat u missing :)))))
JS made me do a "pig" face before diggin in
this one is a senget-mouth-pig
so the easiest way to locate this restaurant is its ambassador
the PIG
no no no...not the yellow one with long hair
the evil RED one with a "fork" and napkin on his chest

hmmm this is so wrong rite?'
how could u advertise a Pig eating its own kind???

Kuey Teow Rua Tha Siam Restaurant
*it's a chain restaurant*
u can find them in MBK and Central Plaza


  1. not a single English wording even in menu? So, I'll just have to point on the photos to order? hhmm..lets see if my groupmates would like to try it or not.. ;-)

  2. Yes there's some form of english on their menu but the translation is so failed...but I must say the menu is good enuff to get by :)))

  3. salute! I dont think I can take blood in my soup..tendon ok..


  4. hmmm the 1st time I had this 6 years ago I didn't know it was blood...until I gulped and slurped every drop of its soup baru JS informed me -_-"

    well life is too short, so try everything at least once :)))
