Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jessica's Most Successful Women 2012

The invitation came all golden-ly a few weeks earlier
without checking my calendar, I've RSVP-ed for it
*yeah it was that important hahahaha*

How do u define success in ur life?
flawless? perfect 10? being important? influential?
fortune? accomplishment? triumph and victory?

it's such a BIG word

being a woman in today's fast pacing world ain't easy
climbing the corporate ladder, facing challenges and society's perceptions,
playing multiple roles - being a daughter, mother, wife, friend

Women are really special, very special creation
as tough as they are...they do have the softer side
balancing the power of yin & yang

I must say, women today has become so empowered
that we must recognize it...and what's a better way than awarding and throw a big party to acknowledge their SUCCESS esp those un-sung HEROES
Jessica is a very dynamic fashion and lifestyle magazine
in fact it is the most read women and fashion magazine in Hong Kong placing it at no. 1

Being really and very young in Malaysia *only less than 2 years old*
Jessica is fast gaining readership here as well

Below were the recipients of Successful, Beautiful, Genial, Strong, Smart, Caring Women
Sorry I dun have a nice snap shots of them all
these were snippets of their interviews

On the stage accepting their awards from Editor-in-Chief Sally Lau
wooohooo I lurve confetti!!!

between the confetti, Veuve Clicquot *official champagne*
fast car *Lexus* and beautiful dresses of Max Mara *sponsor*
and bling-la-bling DeGem diamonds and precious stones

My plus one for the evening - Macho Mani
in fact, I stole him from Sweet Devil Rachel.....he's the hubby :P
next time u can do a "plus one for rent" :D

Editor-in-Chief Sally aka Sal in a beautiful green dress
lurve ur speech and I will wear it on my sleeve :))))
She received the most applause and timing couldn't be any better
the award nite was 2 weeks after Cleaning Activity 2.0
as she graced the steps unto the stage with honor....the applause was thunderous
that was then the chant of BERSIH!!!! was heard
the power of Bersih :))))
Monkey wore Bling-la-bling out for the very first time
after acquiring her in London 5 months ago
totally forgotten bout Bling-la-Bling

so have u ponder on it yet, wat's Success like for you?

Success it intangible to me bcoz it's defined by you and those around u
it's not measurable

being Happy and have Joy in Life
living Life to the fullest
being Rich in knowledge and friends mean a lot to me
immersed in passion and determination
Love Big, Laugh ur heart out, Care deeply and make difference in lives

lastly have determination, Never Give Up
bcoz there's no failure in happens only when one gives up

so Are you ready to achieve something today?
I am :)))))))))))


  1. I also believe Success is on the eye of the beholder! Everyone has different success and they shld be proud of it in everyway....

    omg.. I want yr Bling-la-bling!!!

    Yes, I m ready! =D

  2. yes I agree..just like beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...hehehehehehe.

  3. Great coverage and yes, we all need inspirations and during different stages of life, success means different things to everyone and i would say that as long as we DARE to DREAM, and Find a way to reach our dreams, you are already 1 step nearer to success!

    I feel priviledged to be in the Awards List but and would love to thank all those that believed in me, and supported me in my journey.

  4. Dear Fione,

    Thank you for dropping by and your comment. You have inspired other women to dare to dream. I wish you well in your journey of success :))
