Monday, May 14, 2012

Dinner for Guinea Pigsssssssss

Nope...this isn't the guinea pig
this is the CHEF in pink shirt and his apron from Fifteen by Jamie Oliver
I didn't know apart from cooking skills, he has got "styling" skill on his apparels

since JS was in cooking mood that week, I've invited all my test labs, guines pigs aka my dearie friends who enjoy food as much as we do :))))))))
coz only ppl like this will appreciate good food
and guest like Hot Mama Thevi will understand the process taken to produce home cooked food like this
as for me...I only know how to EAT and ENJOY!!!! >.<

Sexay Back Maggie & Shy Chatwin were the first to arrive
and they spent the afternoon swimming hence the nicely tanned back
swimming in a pool which was just walking distance from my no excuse to be late
Sweet Devil Rachel & Macho Mani
I lurve her orange top
oh yea...our dresscode for the nite was supposed to be colourful....
to celebrate colors and joy of our life!!!!!
the new BFF - Beautiful CS & Hot Mama Thevi
is that the DVF for kids from GAP?
damn u have slimmed down so much

Lil Darling Kayla was in bright colours too
as she grows, she's lookin less like daddy and more like mommy now
the best benchmark that time passes by so fast, and that we are to look at how fast friends' kids are growing..
if they are growing fast we are aging as quick as well

I remembered touching ur mommy's tummy when u were kicking her
visited u when u were just a few days old
and attended your full moon's party.....
phewwwwwwww and now u are talking and walking

when all the guests arrived....JS started his pans, pots and utensils rolling
no sous chef, no help....he did everything on his own
right up to chopping those tiny dried japanese seaweed
whoever that got me as a housemate...u are so damned..coz I'm a lazy one
but hell!!! I helped out with mopping up all the food off the plates

JS's favourite cold capellini with vinaigrette-liked dressing, topped with caviar, sea urchin and japanese sweet prawns which was served raw
in fact everything was raw except the pasta which was cooked ala minute

I guess this dish u need a lot of practice...
this is where all the guinea pigs and pig like me are useful :P
Homemade Pork Ball pasta in homemade tomato sauce
this one was specially done for Macho Mani coz he doesn't take beef
yummy yum yum~~~~
comfort food for everyone

that evening we were oso celebrating the engagement of Sexay Back Maggie and Shy Chatwin

to further celebrate the evening, JS made a Smiley Face Pasta
hua hua hua hua hua~~~~~
it was just a simple bacon and egg pasta
another comfort food
later we realised there's so many carnivores and Carb-eaters for the evening

YS is a Carnivore and Beautiful CS is a carb person
so lemme guess...your daughter is.....omnivore?
anyway wat crap am I talking...all human are omnivores :P
Lil Darling Kayla is cranky...coz it wasn't her mommy who was carrying her
I dunno why these days, kids are so receptive and choosy bout who's carrying them
so in the end, it's impossible to carry her as she's glued to her mommy like a UHU stick

u see...such a different story....when mommy carried her a moment later
Wagyu beef with some slight crisp on the outside and still rare and pink on the inside
the other slab was some Angus beef
done rare, medium rare and medium on different sides
coz we were fussy eater u see...some like it rare...some like it medium...while ppl like me medium rare
so difficult to satisfy everyone huh?

I'm drooling....I need some beef this week
in fact I had grilled Angus beef 2 evenings ago at home
it's bcoming a habit these days that I need to have some nice steak at home at least once a week

can't remember how many kilos of beef but everything gone
confirmed these guinea pigs including me are good samples for testing in the lab
bcoz the Carb-eaters still needed more carb....last minute fried rice with beef fat and eggs
very simple.....but it was the beef fat that added oomph to it
another BFF shot...
U know everyone had a great time, when smiles were plastered all over
even my stomach has got smiles on it.......huaaahahahahahaha
Monkey, Sexay Back Maggie and Hot Mama Thevi
we were taking a break cam-whoring while waiting for desserts to come

later JS was summoning us to do a lil bit of work
preparing dessert...
so all the ladies helped it in the form of kepoh-ing, beat the egg white to its peak, dusting sugar etc

Ta-DA!!!!! another successful Banana souffle
served with chunky chocolate ice creams
banana and chocolates alwiz go well :)))) I must say, it's a good marriage

I dunno why JS alwiz have 100% success rate in making souffle inclusive of his 1st time a few years ago
this is something not many ppl will attempt to do at home esp when hosting dinners
he's been testing with different flavours these days.
Sweet Devil Rachel, Sexay Back Maggie, Beautiful CS, Hot Mama Thevi and Monkey
after desserts, continued to cam-whored
the men T_T
then I forgot!!!!
I made some chocolate truffles!!!!!
they complained it wasn't enuff
it's supposed to be like petit four to be paired with coffee/tea
We had 3 white burgundies,
4 red burgs inclusive a magnum so that makes it 5
1 magnum = 2 standard bottles
and one dessert wine - inniskillin...haven't have this for like...errr 5 years already???
not to forget lots and lots and tonnes of Digestive liquor = Rose Liquor fr Cyprus
Sexay Back was staring at her cup of coffee and wondered how did all of us managed to eat and drink so much
plus there were some other salads which we forgot to snap pics :P
Shy Chatwin, Macho Mani, JS and YS
JS u r the tiniest of the lot :P

Do I looked like my mommy????
this Lil Darling stayed up till midnite coz the dinner ended at 1 am????
and the ladies cam-whored with the Chef for one last shot

Thank you all for coming...
and all the goodies..pls next time do come with only ur stomachs yea
Hot Mama Thevi, thank u for the Le Creuset - I have yet to use it and your bottle of vodka is still at my place...this we'll save it for Guinea Pigs dinner 2.0 ok?

most of all thank u to the Chef
for whipping up yummy happy food
so bila is the 2.0 dinner?
all the guinea pigs are already asking!!!

this dinner was last month in April
they requested for one each month

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