Saturday, May 05, 2012

At Work: Photo shoot

A few days ago, a photo shoot brought me to the Royal Selangor Yacht Club
it was my first time there....and a shocking one too
I've been to so many yacht clubts from neighbouring countries like Thailand to Singapore
from Hong Kong to Australia
Monaco to Cannes to Greece
even those in Langkawi and Kota Kinabalu were pretty decent

when I arrived, I stood at the dock staring at 5 pathetic small yachts 
all tied to one floating barge
one barge???
u gotta be kidding me?

anyway this posting should not be complaining bout the state of the yacht club
it's all about a day in my "working" shoes

photo shoots are something I alwiz look fwd to
yeah did I hear someone just said "are u kidding me?"
some ppl just dread it for it's long hours and working at extreme condition
could be sun or at dangerous places etc
when u are at a photo shoot, ur work in ur desk is piling up at the same time

well if not for this photo shoot I wouldn't have come to this yacht club and witnessed at its condition that's this terrible!!! 
I meet really great and amazing ppl at shoots too
from photographers, stylists, makeup artists, art directors etc
it's also a learning process for me too to be in their shoes
our model for the day was Bryan, born in Sydney but currently based in New York
he was really professional and easy to work with, for he understands the needs of the styling and shoots
most of all he speaks and understands English.
He has got this positive bubbly attitude despite being drenched in the afternoon HEAT and SUN wearing that knitted Ferragamo sweater

we have had bad experiences hiring non-english-speaking models
they can't take directions nor understand what u want
sometimes we get really moody models who have issues on their own
really not professional to bring personal problems to work...
doesn't matter if u are a model or an accountant. It's just not professional!!!
I don't care if u had a fight with your boyfriend, but u are paid to do the damn job.

on top of the knitted sweater, there's another long coat for him
and yet he needed to exude the coziness of wearing this cashmere jacket
I was already wiping my forehead and neck with thick tissues
gosh it has to be 35 degrees out here

judging from the background of this pic, u can really imagine wat's next to this yacht club
jabatan perikanan malaysia
the yacht club didn't face the open sea, instead another island blocked its view
with wooden houses built on stilts just like Pulau Ketam

Monkey to the photographer: "Errrr looks like u need to photoshop the sky to clear blue, the greyish green water to blue...and the ugly surrounding as well...."
Photographer paused for a while...:"I think I'll use only the yacht..."
the thing about working outdoor is the weather
as we were shooting under the humid weather with afternoon sun glaring at us, we saw that the storm is coming on the horizon

oh yea that's the view of Jetty to Pulau Ketam
so u get a feel of the yacht club now?
I felt like I'm in a warehouse or dockyard with the occasional custom police boat passing by

so we were working in such dash and speed
tried to beat the storm and shoot as fast as we could
before we were drenched in the storm

the floating barge was wobbling on the choppy sea and I was so dizzy
"OMG!!! I think I'm gonna vomit anytime now....."

but we went home with a satisfied smile for we know it was a great job well done...
another shoot done this week was indoor inside a studio
so minus the wind, rain and sun
in the comfort of an air-conditioned studio

a unit to power up the flash lights around the studio
I dunno wat do u call and was too stressed to ask the photographers
coz he was really stressed too.....
stressing out his 2 assistants

so u see, stress is really contagious
and I don't like to work with too much of stress around
so the rest of us were blasting some cool moves and songs in the studio
while the ladies being ladies were chitters chatters 
in the end all of the above didn't really help at all...coz he was even more tense
-_- wat do u want lar???
in the end.....I spent 6 hours here just to shoot 2 watches
it's either the lights are not right
the props are not coherent
or sthere's alwiz reflections on the watch
well who said shooting timepieces was easy?

nevertheless I had the great company of fellow stylists, editors, writers, and biz partners to giggled with
I alwiz giggle hihihihihi which irritates the photographer even more
:)))))) sowwy...I'm just a gal inside a huge bubble

I will give some time to do posting about my work in the near future

so now u've seen my part of my working life
how's yours like?


  1. Hi Cherry,

    Please come to Auckland, city of sails for your next shoot.


  2. Hello Mef :)

    So good to hear from u again :D I will google about Auckland later. Never been to NZ :))))

  3. Hi Cherry,

    If you like to know more about Auckland, I more than happy to drop you an email with my email address and contact.

    I m sure JS and yourself will like Auckland and NZ.

  4. Hello Mef, oh u are so helpful, yes please drop me a mail at

    I need to know when is the best time of the year to visit and wat are the attractions that we can't miss :)))

  5. Hello Cherry,

    Email sent. Hope you got it.

