Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Trying to post.....

I was trying to upload some pics from my iPad and it didn't work
No pics for the day then...
But my thoughts are with my readers as alwiz....

Work trip in Singapore has been going well so far
Whenever it is work I refrained from meeting up with my own personal friends Not bcoz it is a work trip, but bcoz it is so difficult to arrange something

During work trip u need to be with your colleagues from other part of the world
Or at least playing host.
Singapore is like my second home so it feels like a duty to educate my other colleagues from other countries about the diversity, culture, cuisine and language in Singapore,
bcoz for some...it could be their very first premier trip in this part of the world.

Not complaining at all coz I am enjoying every bit of it
Perhaps I should be in a different line
Travel?? writing??? as in be a contributing writer for a publication
if only I have the flair for writing, which is something u can't acquire or learnt???

A tour guide???? Hahahahaha I really lurve to travel bcoz I learnt so much
The more I learnt the more I realized that there's so much to be learnt
The world is really BIG

So message of the day, don't be single/ narrow minded
The world is really really THAT BIG
Whatever worries u have, there's alwiz a solution/solutions...
It's only a matter of whether u really wanna choose that option to solve it or not And face its consequence

Really, life is really short
Be generous
Love urself
Appreciate what u have
Take time to absorb LIFE
Express urself
And try everything
If u dun try it, u'll never know
After all u only live once :))))))
U with me???? :)))))

Ps: don't mind the fonts huh coz I blogged fr my iPad on the bed of my hotel :))))


  1. You have a great attitude... if you have you work, you might as well enjoy it, right? *muaks bee ree*

  2. Thanks for reminding me that the World is HUGE & we should not stop learning and exploring! I love the way you manage your work + trips + food in the best way. Cheers! =)

  3. I think u would make a great writer and tour guide... as I have always enjoyed reading yr posts and seeing your travels...I also hope to be able to travel everywhere to learn and see the world!

    Yes, life is short, its up to us to make the best of it!!

  4. Good Day ladies!!!

    Thank you for all your kind words, it made my morning...hehehehe..

    yes all of us must continue to live happily because we choose our life and our destiny is in our own hands. So make yours happen!!!!

