Monday, April 23, 2012

Monkey is away.....

Singapore Flyer
pic taken from last year while I was huffing and puffing at this JP Morgan Marathon
*click here to read*

yes this is my current destination now
for work
Nope not for another Marathon...not anytime soon with my condition like this

someone asked: "What condition??"
Monkey: "U heard of this syndrome?? I m actually suffering fr it."

someone: "Oh sounded so serious...wat syndrome?"
Monkey: "The LAZY Syndrome :D heeeeeeeeeeee"

that someone --__--

so since I lurve all my readers so much, I've prepared scheduled postings for all of u to read while I'm away
just scroll down for the next posting...
Happy Monday!!!!!
while I m running around in the airport catching my flight.

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