Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Idiot Proof Orange Chiffon Cake

this one is a really idiot proof recipe....
well if this monkey who can't bake can do it...all of u can....hehehehhee
so here's the recipe

zest some orange skin...say about 2 table spoon
well if u lurve oranges then u can zest more
it's really entirely up to you
well with the naked oranges after all the zesting...
u can now get its juice
collect about 3/4 cup
measure some flour...just normal flour or cake flour will do
I used normal flour...
for this recipe we'll need about 2 1/4 cups
my favourite activity :D separating the yolks
we'll need about 7 egg yolks
and 9 egg whites
just make sure the bowl for your egg whites are really spanking clean

start whisking your egg white in the egg whisker with a pinch of salt
just leave it running on medium speed
next add 1 TBSP of baking powder into the flour
and 1/2 cup of sugar to the flour mixture

whisk the egg yolk with the orange juice
add in 1/2 cup of vegetable oil
not forgetting 2 tsp of vanilla essence
*whisk whisk whisk*
dunk all the gooey stuffs into the flour

and mix till it turned into baby's food
as the egg whites were whisking there....slowly add in 1/2 cup of sugar
continue whisking till it turn.....
like this.....
they call it, whisk till it holds stiff peak
I call it...whisk till it looks like shaving foam :P
slowly fold in the whisked whites into the baby food batter
one third at a time
u don't want to mix it vigorously bcoz the air inside the whites will b gone
so just for once...be gentle..
yeah it was difficult for me :P
then spoon the batter into an ungreased deep pan
would be best if u get the proper chiffon cake pan

and bake them for 1 hour at 160 degrees C
it depends on your oven really...
so I would suggest that you check on it after 50 minutes with a long stick
poke it and see if it's dead...I mean if the stick comes out clean
anyhow I was too lazy and left it there for 1 hour :P
right after it's out....u need to invert the whole pan unto a wire rack like this
to ensure that the cake will not collapse

in this case, JS helped me...coz Monkey can't deal with hot stuffs
yeah guess I don't have skin on my hands coz I can never hold hot stuffs without burning myself
after resting it for 20 minutes on its pan...using a serrated knife *well I used bread knife*
slowly cut its side and remove it outta the pan
and there u have it really yummy super soft can die Orange Chiffon Cake
well narcissist like meself I like to put it inside a glass stand and admire it
am so proud of meself but then again this an idiot proof recipe
so it will never fail

PS: In this recipe, I have reduced the sugar by 3/4 cups coz we dun like sweet cakes

lemme know after u've tried it


  1. Exciting Cherry!! What vege oil did you use? Will you be trying out Pandan flavor too? :)

  2. Wah...well done Cherry!! The orange chiffon cake memang look good..looking from the cross section..it look dense! niceeee

  3. yummy... nothing beats home bake! ;)

  4. May Ng2:07 PM

    Love the step by step instructions!

    I have made lemon + poppy seeds chiffon cakes, but have not made orange chiffon cake.. now that will be one of my to-do list :)

  5. Now I know what I´ve forgotten to buy during my recent trip home, a sponge cake form! arggggg ...

  6. Dorin: just normal mazola oil :P
    Melissa: Thank you...not only looked good but it tasted really good.
    Food Dreams: yes I have to agree with you.
    May Ng: Please share ur recipe with me :))))
    Lianne: yeah I dun think can find in Germany. U'll need to get someone to courier it to you.

  7. I find it easier to fold the mixture into the egg-whites instead of the other way round (less chances of deflating the egg whites). I love chiffon cakes, I tried making pandan, orange, chocolate and green tea ones! I prob need to start looking for proper green-tea powder suitable for baking. The one I used is for tea and can't taste the green tea.

  8. (Oh and Yuzu chiffon cake too!)

  9. Wahhh TL u damn can!!!! Bravo *clap clap clap*....I can only make this...hahahahaha....

    maybe u can use green tea powder - those for making ice creams?

    when u coming to visit Msia??

  10. May Ng2:57 PM

    Cheryl : Very easy, just substitute grated lemon rind with orange rinds! If you like some crunch in your chiffon cake, then add 1 TBS of poppy seeds hehe

    Your chiffon cake looks so soft and fluffy, btw. Mine came out a bit too coarse.

  11. May: Thank u so much for the inspirations :))) I'll try next round.

    hmm did u beat the egg white till "berkilat"?
