Monday, January 09, 2012

Monkey is away.....

Haul up the canvas
Set the sail
check ur steering gear
clean ur deck & hull

and off we go......
sailing out of the mystical island of Langkawi

judging fr its color...
u know that this is team Malaysia!!!!
Harimau nggaauuummmm~~~~~~ RAWRRRrrrrrr~~~~

Team from around the world will congregate again to snatch the much coveted trophy of this regatta
from United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Denmark, Norway.....phewww where else??? oh Thailand and Malaysia....
Monkey is away again *GAH*
for work this time

I know...I'm hardly at home
and the postings been laggin way way way behind....
from all the pics above *stolen from organiser* heheheheh
u can see the adrenalin of a Regatta

so with all these rush and hectic schedule, there's no chance for Monkey to blog
but dun worry......I promised to prepare scheduled postings for all of u to read till I come back
:))))) so u'll have something to read this entire week
so Bye for now...
hope everyone is doin great
for I'll be burning for a full 7 freaking days
drowning myself with nothing but cheap imported beer and seafood
cheers folks *hic*



  1. you forgot to say drown yourself drooling at all the hotties out there.... :P

  2. Hehehehe......part of the job....promised that I won't drool. I "ngaapp" straight away only hua hua hua!!!!
