Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Los Caracoles, Barcelona

Los Caracoles = snails...
when an establishment is named after a dish, u bet it has got to be the die die must eat dish

closed friends actually warned us that this place is like a tourists trap
full of them
but added that a few of their dishes are pretty good
in fact Cal Pep *read bout it here* was also full of tourists

I guess when u a famous and well known internationally....this will definitely happen
and we went to Los Caracoles with an open mind.

being kiasu, we went there early before the dinner crowd begins at 9pm
oh yes...ppl here in Barcelona have their dinner at 9pm onwards
coz they need to do tapas first from 6-9pm

but no country can beat Greece when they have their dinner at 10.30pm
I almost zzzzz face down on my grilled fish back in Athens!!!!

Los Caracoles has got multiple dining hall separated
it's rustic and full of decos, memorabilia hung on walls, 
photographs with autographs of famous personalities around the world dated more than 50 years ago
this place was started back in 1853 so can u imagine the wall is almost collapsing with the number of framed pics on its walls!!!!
My EYES darted left n right....and saw yes!!!!!
Roast suckling pig
teee heeeeee heeeee heeee eheeee

well whenever u r in Barcelona, must try this
they also have a variety of yummy grilled sea produce
but JS and Me decided that this is gonna be a token dinner
after so many nites and weeks of indulgence
to the point that we were scared of FOOD
yes it did happen :P
I m seated among politicians, superstars, celebrities :))))))
noticed the puffed up face??? well u kenot NOT gain weight when u r eating like this
JS was counting calories as he chomped his meals while I was bz deciding wat to eat/have for our next meals
so adorable!!!!
their bread in the shape of a snail :)))))

however I must say, that Catalan bread is so different from the French
not as fine as french
well I have to say that French are more artisans when it comes to food
Catalan are more hearty and rustic :)))))
some nites we just need to go alcohol-free
so alcohol free = coke *I call it American Wine*
yummy yummy!!!!!
it's actually deep fried Scallions :)))))
so sweet :))))))
I can this whole plate on my own
yummier than deep fried onion rings
the Caracoles = Snails!!!

it didn't have that usual earthy notes
good texture....very good I must say with crunch n bite
the sauce was rich, slightly spicy with wine notes
yummy and just mopped everything up with ur snaily bread :))))
suckling pig :))))))
the skin looked so normal but then so so so crunchy bcoz it's thin!!!
eaten with some fennel relish and grilled tomatoes

the meat was juicy and soft
surprise surprise no fat at all
I mean that layer of fat underneath its skin
its skin was crackling, while JS & Monkey were fighting over it with forks then our fingers
"Mine mine mine!!!! I'm famish!!!!"
well food do taste better when u r fighting over it don't cha?
Los Caracoles's industrial kitchen
JS fell in love with it
"WAHHH I LIKE!!!!!!"
look at its stove......flat for grilling all sorts of food
while the round ones are for pots and pans
notice the amber red color on the stove, they used wood fire
I wished they could open it for us to see but the kitchen was breathing fire and hot
after a brief moment were scrambling out.....
phewwww working in a kitchen like this is no joke!!!!
running out to the cooler bar area!!!!!
which is also the main entrance of the restaurant

it's fun coz they positioned the kitchen in between the dining hall and the bar
so all diners will have to walk through its kitchen first
wat a fun experience :)))))
wood fire grilled and flamed chicken~~~~
I wanted this, but JS no eat chicken
I can't even do take-away home to hotel and chomp chomp coz he can't stand the smell of chicken
thought situated at some small lanes near to La Ramblas, u kenot miss it
with its oven on the outside

Los Caracoles
Escudellers 14, 
Barcelona 08002.
Tel: + 933 012 041

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