Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First Resolution Done!!!

I looked at it from the far right corner...
hmmmmm......then dashed to the left corner to have another view
hmmmm again and thinking to myself....
this is it...I have finally managed to part ways with many other pairs of my shoes
to maintain the current ones
so let's crossed my fingers and hope no more new arrivals anytime soon
coz obviously u can see there are more shoes hidden behind the front-liners
and all the boots which were at another separate racks -_-"
*this one will be phase 2*

it wasn't an easy resolution but I did it
*beaming with pride*

so wat about u?
any resolutions for the year?
or at least something that u want to achieve and improve on?


  1. May Ng9:01 AM

    Oooo I LOVE the black heels right in the middle, shelf no. 5, bottom to top. So gothic!

    Where did you get it?

    I think the stilleto is a masterpiece of engineering and art.I simply cant live without killer heels :D

  2. Ahem......think I may be able to help you here May. If you look carefully it's actually half of a Tory Burch logo. hehe :)))

  3. May Ng5:15 PM

    Thanks for the info JS! That didn't cross my mind at all LOL

    I don't think there's a Tory Burch outlet in Malaysia, right?

    This brand is very famous in the U.S though .. how I wish we have Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria Secrets in KL hehe

  4. No Tory Burch in msia May. I think nearest is HK!! Not even in spore!!

  5. I expect Cherry to know all her shoes but it looks like JS, you are also an expert in shoes!! :)

  6. Hye food dreams. Guess being close to someone.....the habits and knowledge does kind of rub on you! :))

  7. yeah he's an expert on bags too....can tell whether it's a fake or just an imitation.

    Sometimes JS gasped: "That's not a real Bottega!!! they dun have this color at all!!!"

    and sometimes: "Look at that's a fake!!!"

    and continued to finger point at the owner.....*this he needs to learn to be more subtle*

    heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
