Monday, December 05, 2011

Pierre Herme

tee hee hee
I hand-carried this baby all the way
sat inside my YSL bag and I took great care of it until Berr has got no place in my bag
flew in business class
these are really "good-life" macarons

such pretty box :D
but its "good-life" didn't last long
coz it ended in my tummy
when I opened it.....
I breathed a huge sigh of relief
all still in pretty condition
my favourite flavour......ROSE!!!!!

Pierre Herme has got many many other exotic flavours
Flatmate Amy recommended White Truffle and I got it separately in a different plastic packaging
coz the SMELL was so over-whelming
haven't taste it yet

there's even Foie Gras with Figs flavour
such weird ones rite?
I had so much of foie gras in France that I didn't touch it in macarons form
tasting notes...
not that sweet like the other brands
texture was chewy the way I like it
and just enuff fillings :D

in a short while....nom nom nom
all gone into my tummies
for the efforts of carrying them back
yeah it's still worth it

for more info:


  1. oo... heard of this macaron so much! have yet to have the chance to try this but ppl say its the best!!

    these certainly are the 'good-life' treat!! :0)

  2. Food Dreams: Yeah it's one of the best in town :D wished I could bring back more but then again....very tedious
