Thursday, December 22, 2011

El Palace Hotel Barcelona

I looked so tiny at the hotel lounge
can u spot Monkey among the trinkets of stuffs????
where's everybody???

We seldom blog about hotels coz there's no priority on posting about it
then we realised since this blog is a Monkey-JS-pedia for everything in life why not?
and JS has got extra work --> snap pics of the place
hahahah coz usually we'll bunk in bunk outta hotels without much thought about it

our main priority in selecting a hotel is usually LOCATION
location LOCATION location
it has to be central *like really really right smack*, transportation (tube, underground, Metro etc) and a supermarket nearby to purchase the most important source in life = WATER

JS drinks like a camel about 6 litres of Evian every 2 days
Evian cost about Euro 3.80 for 6 bottles = RM 15.20 for 6 = RM 2.53 per bottle
now go figure why is it so expensive in Msia
El Palace is about 92 years old
yes we lurve all this heritage hotels

situated on the main shopping strip
walking distance to La Ramblas, All of Antonio Gaudi's works *OMG he was the highlight of my trip*, all the makan places/cafes, even to the port wasn't that far....
I love Barcelona really much that we must return to visit Gaudi's works again...and spend more time on it
that lil green bowl on the table, which I found out is for us to throw sweets wrappers

the only time that I saw such similar clock was at a Museum in Switzerland
Read about it *here*
after a personalised tour by the concierge we finally arrived at our room
the main street of Barcelona, Gran Via de la Corts Catalanes
it is similar to Orchard Road in Singapore
and it's also the very same street where Antoni Gaudi was hit by a tram in 1926 and died
*why didn't u look left right left b4 u cross the road????*
since El Palace was refurbished in 2009, it has got a lot of gadgets in this classical hotel
all lights were of moving sensors
and that includes its TV
Fire place and a beautiful mirror
the chandelier was very pretty too but forgot to snap pic
yes the TV is the mirror
the mirror is the TV
cool eh?
even the phone has got so many buttons and caller ID of the other guests
all the detailing......
actually this is a great idea to hide the seam of the wallpaper
The Bathroom was HUGE
with a separate HUGE tub and a Rain Shower
JS forgot to snap pic :P
toilets were set separatedly with a sliding glass door
the beauty of goin to the toilet is the lights were all by "movement censor"
how come we never thought of then when renovating our home?
Readers if it is not too let, I think this feature is truly important
especially when u r half asleep walking to the toilet
hmmmm and that's me sleeping
one of those morning we decided to try their breakfast
it's set on the garden at the back of the hotel
but bcoz it's winter, there's a marquee over it

the marquee was so well built it looks permanent
I can imagine how beautiful it is during summer
enjoying breakfast among the lush tropical greenery

thank gawd they had heater at every table
else it's too cold with the winter chill

highly recommended hotel
for more details, visit their website here


  1. oh wow...the hotel interior is simply exquisite!

  2. such grandness and so hi-tech!!

    I love the first pic.. something so magnificent about it because of the things and colors... and the mirror cum TV plus all sorts of sensor... impressive!
