Monday, December 12, 2011

Bottega Veneta got downgraded

To all BV owners........don't worry this isn't a downgrade announcement
it was just something hilarious that came up yesterday

Over at the dining table....the topic transcended from wines, to traveling to all things yummy and good in life until we reached my favourite topic...

Alcoholic Anonymous was so infatuated by this brand that he can't remember wat was its name
how could u not remember something that u like???

Alcoholic Anonymous: "U know....wat u call that....SATAY....yes the SATAY bag!!!"
All of us in unison: "SATAY bag??? wat is tat????"

30 seconds later, thanks to our high intelligence
we found out he meant "Ketupat"
the weaving of the bag is similar to this packed rice in woven palm leaves......

and Alcoholic Anonymous received a long LONG long lecture from all of us
oh my beloved Bottega Veneta....u are still THE BAG in my eyes
I look forward to your new colors..... :))))))))))))

1 comment:

  1. 【Bottega Veneta/ボッテガヴェネタ】と言うブランドを御存知ですか?フランスからの有名な高級ブランドとして、登場したあと、瞬く間にその知名度が世界中に広がっていきました。今まで、もはや数多くのファンを虜にしていましたよ!さて、こちらからbottega veneta 財布のボッテガ 長財布とボッテガヴェネタ バッグのボッテガ トートバッグについて紹介させていただきたいと思いますね!
