Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Still Roaming.....

Hospices de Beaune with its unique rooftop
We are still roaming in Europe and it's already Week 3
how time flies....

am currently so tipsy as I'm writing this
had an amazing dinner and great wines tee hee hee
so this gonna be a short post
We are currently in Beaune, France
the heart of Burgundian wines
so much to do/to see here that we decided to stay here for a week

yup we can stay here forever
with all the wines and food
and our waistlines are definitely growing by the day
ok ok only my waistline....not his, coz he does hundreds of push ups and sit up every single day
without fail for the past 15 years.....even during holidays T_T

I said that it's gonna be a short post...but somehow I can still write so much
okie dokie time to hit the warm comfy bed with Berr
Hope of all of u are having a good week so far
hugs and kisses from France


  1. so romantic... and no wonder r u tipsy with all the wine... in wine country... the ppl there probably drink more wines than water!! ;P

  2. Txs food dreams for dropping by.
    This is the Mecca of wine drinkers......the holy Grail of Burgundian drinkers.....n we r in the midst of it all.....imagine seeing the vines of which u r drinking the wines :))
