Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Sorry......we are a bit lacking in terms of posting
Barcelona is our current destination
it's been 4 AWESOME weeks here in Europe

every morning we wake up early for a sumptuous breakfast
before tottering around our current city by foot
coz that's the only way u'll discover wonderful corners, secrets and people

despite all the walks, I've gained a lot of weight from over-indulgence
:D and wines and champagnes and all sorts of sweets!!!!!

then we'll try to finish all the sight seeing and photography by 4pm
coz that's the time u lose sunlight and winter is soon approaching
walking back to our hotel from where we've wandered ain't an easy feat
once back in the comfort of our hotel, JS and Monkey will take turns to shower
before heading out for yummy dinner

usually we'll decide to walk home to our hotel after dinner
in order to burn FAT!!!!
sometimes it takes 10 mins
it could be as long as 45 mins walk but we know it's good for us
most of the time I walked home tipsy in my heels

once back in the warm hotel, Monkey and JS again take turns to process photos and blog bout our advendutures...
so u see, it's been a pretty hectic and busy holiday to keep u guys posted
:D but we enjoyed every bit of it and hope u did too as u read our wonderful journeys



  1. Can't wait to see more of yr pictures! ;0)

  2. ok ok will get JS to process more pics FASTER!!!! kekekekeke
