Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vault Magazine

Vault Magazine was launched in Spring 2011
the front cover of its first edition with a beautiful maroon red Vintage Mercedes tells it all
it's a magazine for very discerning ppl with exquisite things in LIFE
*Life is so so so short......so alwiz go for the best!!!!*

They did cover Baselworld 2011, the world largest watch fair
*the one Monkey attended year after year*
which not many publication can do by the month of May
so can u imagine the frantic deadlines in the world of Publication
well, not many ppl understand it until they are innit!!!!

everything is alwiz in a hurry...
esp when most magazines made me proof read the advertorials, descriptions of the product, colors and quality for the advertisement that we put in.
"When do I need to revert back to u?" says Monkey
the Editor on the other line: "We need them by TODAY"

when received a call to request product for a photoshoot
"when is the photoshoot?" asked Monkey
Stylist :"It's in 2 days time at this xxxxx at yyyy time."
yeah and we need to fly in the product to meet every important shoots...

to us every single publication is very important
and so after 5 years, Monkey kinda get used to working to their hours and deadlines
Vault's second issue
by the way it's a bi-monthly publication
Vault was incepted in Philippines and by far I cannot imagine any other magazines in Malaysia that came close to them
except those few publications in Singapore

the quality of its photography
well a pic speaks a thousand words don't they?
and most of all its content
the layout were tastefully done with well dissected section
from Luxury in Life to Men's fashion *oh it's a magazine targeted at men*
Watches and Jewelry
Gourmet Food and Fine Wines
but most of all Experiences and heritage for all of the above
the originality and craftmanship

sometimes readers wanna know about the experience of living such life
and also as a reference for those purveyors who are leading it

so bout 1.5 months, Monkey had a lovely surprise upon opening her inbox
an enquiry and request to use materials fr the blog

so here it goes :)))))
the famous Chateau Vougeot was on a FULL PAGE
freaking full page!!!!!

and more materials from our winery visit in France last year
photographer was of coz none other than our dearie Terry JS

wow we didn't expect 2 full freaking pages
it was followed by more write-up on the intricacy of fine wine making in Burgundy

wat a rare opportunity and experience to contribute to an international publication

Thank you Meds if u r reading this :)))
u just made our October!!!!! hahahahaha
nope...I think it was more than that :)))))

so this has prompted JS to be more determined in his photography
I guess in Life if u do things with passion, the results are truly amazing
just like drinking wines....u can't force urself to enjoy the type of wines that u dun like coz u won't appreciate it

truly looking fwd to our trip 
and learning new things as we roam the Earth together

Enjoy your Tuesday folks!!!


  1. Great! Congrats to JS! =)

  2. congrats to JS! certainly masterpieces of photography...

  3. txs guys. lets see what i can do this november in burgundy :)

  4. Thank u ladies :))))))) will be more determine to achieve more in life :D
