Monday, October 03, 2011

Thai Kuey Teow Soup

What can a cute lil 2 wheelie blue cart sell?
yeah there's only 2 wheels!!! so different fr the normal carts

every nite after our ooohhh-laaaa-laaaaa foot massage, we'll head over to this cart
which was like ermmm....a few metres away
the 1st time we saw it, we didn't pay much attention coz the mission then was massage
MASSAGE massage CHEAP massage :P

then we were so curious coz every nite it is jam packed way past midnite till early morning
with locals queue-ing up to get a "fix" for their tummy

client profiles were outstanding
locals, uncles, aunties, teenagers, party-goers, Bar Gals, Ladyboys, prostitutes, workers around the area
NO FARANGS *Thais refer ang mohs or mat salleh or white men = farangs*

JS was a bit skeptical esp after midnite
not his "bowl of noodle" coz it's too late to eat
anything after dinner is not his thing...coz he doesn't snack

JS: "U sure u can whack sumore?"
"I'm hungry~~~~ esp after the masage..."

JS: "errr we got to queue and sit with other ppl on the same table oh~~~~"
and pointed at "those ppl" :P

trust me this place is worth it...even if we have to sit with Ladyboys with 36D boobs and penis still attached to their bodies
well how often can u spend 15 minutes that close admiring their perfect face, skin etc
anyway knowing me...I was too bz gawking at my bowl of noodle!!!!!!
while JS dare not look anywhere but the Ladyboys were gawking at him

eh dun be shy lar...u r not a skoolboy anymore :P

everything was in order
mise-en-place, cutleries, etc
every single item meant for this business were on this 2 wheelie cart

and on the table there's more mise-en-place
above was some crushed roasted fragrant peanuts
this is to give the noodles a nutty flavour and some texture

brown sugar to balance up the palate 
Thai cuisine alwiz consist of the 4 flavours

so the sourness came from this pickled green chili in white vinegar
very fresh coz the chilis were still crunchy

and super spicy dry chili flakes
somehow Thai chili flakes are alwiz extra spicier

also fish sauce for that savoury salty umami taste
Thai alwiz use fish sauce instead of soya sauce
it has got more length 

my bowl of yummy kuey teow came
and dashes of chili flakes were added in
not too much....I dun mean to b a pussy but then again it's really spicy

kacang kacang kacang!!!!!

some dashes of fish sauce
just dun put too much but add accordingly as u consume ur noodle
bcoz the PORK BROTH was sooooo beautiful
clean and sweet and simple!!!

there u go....
the most simple and yummiest kuey teow soup

I forgot to snap upclose pic of the kuey teow
it is the FAT in terms of width and THIN in terms of thickness type of rice noodle
texture was so silky smooth it goes down ur throat without any effort
so eat with care...if u dun wanna get choke...straight fr the bowl to ur throat!!!!

served with pork balls, pork paste, pork intestine, and other spare parts
roasted small garlic paste with skins still intact
fresh crunchy beans sprouts
and a sprinkle of spring onions

I had this every midnite as my 1st supper
*I will blog bout my 2nd supper every nite soon*

the secret lies in the clear broth
well I slurped every drop of it....
with Ladyboys watched in amazement...
yeah why did a true LADY like me eat like this :P
as in drinking straight fr the bowl

hey good food must eat like this!!!!
learn & watch!!!!!

This push cart is along Soi Patong Resort
off Soi Bangla *that FAMOUS street in Phuket....hehehehheh*

yea that explains the clientele huh? hehehehehhe
after the yummy supper...we just walked a few metres out to the main street
and continue to partay :D

This is HOLIDAY for Monkey
FOOD :)))))))


  1. Something so basic but so good... that's life! ;)

  2. Yes u must go there when u r in Phuket next :)))
    comfort food~~~~~
