Friday, October 21, 2011

Bigger, Badder....aaAAAAaauuuuuu *howls*

Big Bad Wolf Sales....
Can u believe it I haven't heard of this annual sale???
at all !!!!!

Shell Shell was so kind to invite all of us for this sale
we didn't know where it was....when....and wat's in store for us
all of us just hopped into her car and let her take us to wherever this place was...
the S.A.L.E.

u see ever since God created women
*I dun even know if god did really created women...but that's another long story coz I'm an atheist*
this species on Earth....the intelligent one....the women has this favourite past time to do which is Shopping!!!!!

Shell Shell sent us the flyer a week before
and all of us were like OK...let's go....since we were free on that particular Sunday
didn't really know wat to expect as well....

all we were afraid of was the queue may be long
it must be damn hot and stuffy
with tonnes of screaming and crying children
and that parking is gonna be horrendous
but I was so wrong
so SO so so so WRONG

not that it wasn't an attractive book sale
we were just so wrong...

Parking were ample, stretching kilometres away since it was held on the ground of a University
at each designated parking area there is a nice white marquee for u to wait for ur lil cute bus
to fetch u and your dearie friends to the expo hall
and the weather on that particular couldn't be any was cloudy with soft breeze blowing our hair as we were chitter chattering, excited to be part of this largest badder thingy

3 mins later, we were at the entrance of the hall
the whiff of friend yummy Colonel Sander's chickens whet our appetite
oh damn...this is big....even KFC has their own truck selling food!!!!!
I felt like a child goin to a funfair!!!!

Shell Shell was so clever and past each one of us a nice sexay RED cloth recycle bags
it's gonna be our shopping bag for the next few hours....
so the 4 of us separated and promised to meet each other an hour later
at the cashier counter....
Mee Mee, Shell Shell, Nee Lee

1 hour ain't enuff....we spent much more than tat
later exhausted seated together in front of the cashier counter

and again we were wrong..
the air cond was full blast at this huge expo hall
nice music of our generation were playing
lots to see 
lots to buy

I was in frantic!!!
I dashed into the photography section 1st looking for something for JS
all the hardcover National Geographic photography archives were goin for RM 20
all the helpbooks and Dummies and Idiots books were goin for much less than that

Travel books were at RM 10
maps were goin for RM 8

Sidney Sheldon, Danielle Steel, Jeffrey Archer, Sophie Kinsella, Amy Tan, Candace Bushnell, Nora Roberts.......
the list was never ending
all for RM 8 
even the vampire books aka Twilight New Moon watever moon were selling at 8

then the bibliographies
all goin for less than 10

and then the Cookery section,
the Romance
the Sci-Fiction
Help books
Children section
past months imported magazines at RM 5
Religion books
Health and beauty
Interior Designs, architecture

there's more and I can't remember.....

then later we sat in the comfy cool expo hall with thousands of ppl
with cardbox flatten out on the concrete floor to be seated on
and started comparing..."Wat u got wat u got???"

hey i got this...u dunnit to get...we'll exchange after I'm done reading it
wow...this is good read
where did u get this??? I want!!!
is this author good? 
I like her style of writing
What is this??? they have box sets???
Can I borrow this when u r done??

and kept running back to grab more books after our chitter chatter on the floor
taking turns to guard the big piles of books that we have gathered
coz there were shifting eyes of other shoppers snooping at our catch

yeah I know it's the last book and u wanted it too....or u can't seem to find it outta the 1.3 million of books out there...I dun blame u...
but SORRY it is MINE!!!!! so now will u stop staring and get on???

well obviously I was not being rude to tell them that....I didn't say it
but my HOSTILE body language and looks and eyes said it all....they got it and moved on....
I myself got 27 books at RM 180
*JS's books cost the most per piece, mine were all 5 or 8 dollars*
just couldn't believe my eyes....
I wished I have more time and a trolley as big as Tesco's
so I can push my way through the crowd and store my purchases innit

so in total among the 4 of us...we got hundreds of books!!!!!
for about RM 500

Shell Shell, we can't wait for the next Book Sale!!!
pls pls pls pls let us know in the future ok??? we go on the 1st day instead of on the last yea

and I really don't mind spending half a day here...coz all the books were unwrapped
so u really do get to read them before u buy em

and the checking out counter aka cashiers
I must say they were so so so so so darn fast
there weren't much of a queue bcoz they have 25 counters with 3 person working on each

and UOB credit card members get an additional 5% discount
well which none of us own one :P

for the past few nose found its way
diggin into those books
now I can't wait to exchange my pile of snatch wtih my galfriends
*I do any books cept children books ok*

Big thanks to Shell Shell for this
now we just need to scheme how to smuggle a Tesco shopping cart outta Tesco
I really do need one...not just for this sale

so Readers....
any of u went???
Hope u got some great reads there...coz we certainly did


  1. I miss this... :(

    Totally forgot about it.. ai sei... next time.. I ll prepare Tesco cart like you and sapu all the cookbooks!

  2. i think if we were going on the 1st day total damage would be more than this!
    you din blog about our winner of the day :p

  3. Loose7:41 PM

    OMG, where was the sale? Is it still on?? I wanna go!!!!!

  4. Food Dreams: Yes u must not miss this next year!!!

    Shell Shell: 1st day has got more choices of books mar...the Winner of the day forbad me from doin so :P

    Loose: Sorry Loose...ended last was in UPM Agro exhibition hall, Serdang. Will keep u posted for next year's sale yea!!!

  5. Anonymous5:44 PM


    I went! Twice some more! I bought so many books for Abby. I myself got mostly baking books, recipe books and novels. Adrian got himself some collectible books.

    We spent? A total of 600++ for so many, so many books! Ended up we went to ikea that weekend just to get a new bookshelf.

    It is the most awesome sale ever!

    Well done Big Bad Wolf!


  6. WAH ELLY!!!! u so keng!!!!
    but it's really worth buying all of it :)))) I'm glad u got so many books that u like hehehehehehe until have to buy a new shelf...kekekeke....
