Thursday, September 15, 2011

Away notice......

swaying coconut trees~~~~~

those close to me would have known by now......
that Monkey is on Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical = rest from work
*nyek nyek nyek*

for 3 months
*hiak hiak hiak*
and no I am not pregnant
been getting this a lot >.<

it will be 3 months worth of ME TIME!!!!!
so it's gonna be more Travels and more MAKANSSSssssSSSSssssssss

Current destination:
at the Land of Smiles
and one of my favourite country to be
coz it has got the total package from hospitality, FOOD, activities, FOOD, R&R, FOOD and People

so ME TIME means doin nothing
just take my time and immerse meself with mother nature
photography, ppl watching etc

one of the most wonderful thing about travel is getting to know the locals
u learn so much from them
and the best topic to start with hua hua hua FOOD~~~~~~

with such a long beautiful beach
just gonna bask meself with the SUN and WIND
and those lil vendors selling FOOD~~~~~
*yea yea I want my grilled spicy chicken wings with shrimps and BBQ wrapped sticky rice*

Take my time and watch the beautiful sunset EVERYDAY at different lookout point at the island
with my most loved ones....
yes the 2 of them :))))))))))
Mr. JS and Berr~~~~~~

pamper meself with foot massage, mani pedi
and SPA

stuff meself with more food~~~
and coconuts and more FOOD~~~~
*everyone knows I'm very good at this.....*

have LOADS of drinks
and bar-hopping
play Bar Games with the friendly chicks
have sumore drinks
if I'm tipsy buy the whole bar DRINKS
*sumone pls ring the bar bell for me!!!!!*
**Ka-thong Ka-thong Ka-thong**

and go wonder why are these "Katoeys" so beautiful
especially after a few more drinks I can't tell the difference if it's a SHE or a HE
so it's gonna be a SHIM lar :P
*even my camera lense is tipsy!!!!!*

YES we gonna have loads of FUN

this is life....if u dun make changes urself...nobody will
so dear readers now go out there and seize ur kind of LIFE
What would you like to do today? tomorrow? in a year's time?
What would like to achieve?


  1. Have a nice getaway! yes, will email you my current schedule.

  2. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Enjoy to the max babe! Yoohoo!!! XD


  3. Bar hopping? Happening!

  4. More like street food hopping :))
