Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Romantic dinner between boyfriend and boyfriend

I felt like a HUGE lamp during this dinner
between the Boyfriend and the other Boyfriend
but no complaints coz there's excellent wines :D
hehehehehhehehe a 1989 CLV
a 22 years old wine...who's 22 out there????
hmmm wat was I doin then?
degustation menu by non other than Chef Takashi Kimura
Boyfriend & Boyfriend were so hungry so they ordered a beef tartar while waiting
and as usual during this Ramadhan month I was caught in KL jam :P
I was only 5 minutes away and took 20 mins to reach

Monkey and one of the Boyfriend...
Boyfriend has got to meet the other Boyfriend coz he's flying off to Australia for his summer holiday with the kids
1st course was the Ooni *sea urchin* and oyster shooter
I can eat the whole tub of ooni :P
just like eating ice creams hehehehehehehe

Carpaccio of Blue Fin Tuna with avocado wasabi

I like this vase since Day 1....and kept on forgetting to ask u guys at Cilantro
wat brand is this????

oooOooooooo my favourite pasta
Capellini with Abalone
Chef Takashi has mastered this coz it gets better and better
the abalone was sous-vide in a special sauce

well as we speak...Chef Takashi is in Japan now for his Summer Holiday
GAH!!!! when are we heading off for summer holiday!!!!
26th August u faster come to me now!!!!

smoked ocean trout and sea eel with avruga caviar
the trout was so excellent......
and they smoked it house :)))))))))))))

roasted duck with salmis sauce and a wafer with duck pate innit
most succulent duck ever....there was no fiber at all on the meat....very silky smooth
and a layer of thin skin and fat to satisfy ur palate :)))))))))))))
was the best thing that nite :))))))))))))))))

since the other Boyfriend can't take poultry *no chicka, no duckie, no goosie*
he had a seafood pasta

on the degustation menu was a slow cooked grain fed lamb
but we were not such lamb-mie person we had beef instead :))))))))))))

so pretty!!!
white peach and raspberry granite :))))))))
I whopped everything up including the Boyfriendssssss potion :P

the other excellent amazing and under-rated wine we had was a VR by S. Cathiard
hey guys no more stocks if u r thinking of loading these babies..
super yums .....deep red ruby, berries and a very long long finish.

the other Boyfriend is very analytical these days...
been loading rare gems at extremely good price
so he will advise the other Boyfriend and both will load on the same
partners in crime
anyway me no complaints :)))))))))))))

Chocolate mousseline and ricotta ice cream with orange zest on top
according to Puji we were the 1st guinea pigs to try this dish
and it was YUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
more pls!!!!
as I was pleading for more fr the Boyfriends Inc...
they've already mopped everything up fr their plates
-_-" haiiizzzzzzzzzzzzz
Thank u for the wines :))))))))))))))
aaaAAaaaa I want sumore!!!!!

so now the Boyfriend is without the other Boyfriend
and he will be lonely for a month :P
eh u still got Monkey leh...dun lar sad sad hehehehehehehehe
else I teman u to play golf lor :P
Cilantro Restaurant & Wine Bar
Micasa All Suite Hotel,
368-B Jalan Tun Razak,
50400 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2179 8082


  1. Wow everything looks so decadent :)

  2. Not just any's a malconsort :))

  3. Baby Sumo: yes Cilantro is one class on its own in Msia. :))

    JS: yeah Alex Chong kept on reminding me bout the Vosne Romanee...should save for special occasion wor...but then everyday is a celebration for us :)))

    Kindy Chai: yea does Kit Kat have ooni bars? :P

  4. The beef tartar and the abalone pasta looks really good!

  5. Flatmate Amy: oh yes the abalone pasta was to die for!!!! come back again soon :)))))))
