Monday, August 01, 2011

Monkey Bakes.....

3 weeks ago......out of boredom and curiosity
and also the feeling of not fully being utilised at home
made Monkey jumped outta her lazy couch, did some groceries and soon the kitchen was messy and noises were being made

I was attempting my very first Macaroons....wuakakakakakakakakaa
JS was looking even more curious than I did
"Do u know how to use the weighing machine?"
Monkey sulked >.<
JS: "U be careful with that ok?"
Monkey: "Get out!!!!!!!"
and soon I was left all alone mending my own mess and business
I was so greedy....since I'm gonna use the oven, kitchen aid, and all the utensils...
might as well make more stuffs....

so I made
Failed Macaroons
Butter Cake *Thanks to Si Fu*
Sausage Rolls
sieving the grounded almonds for macaroons

this was how I separate the whites outta the yolks...
by using me monkey palms :D

gotta wait till the whites turned glossy peak

so in the mean time....weigh ingredients for Butter Cake
Monkey was seen here trying to decide how to use this measuring bowl that comes in all sizes
from Italian Chef - Mario Batali
U can get his products at Isetan Singapore

hmmmm I think need practice to make the sizes standard
then even out the surface with a wet finger tip
and rest these macaroons for 30 minutes
so while waiting and baking...have tonnes of time to make chocolate ganache

Macaroons failed...coz it has got NO legs
and not glossy enuff...
a week later I learnt fr my Reader Elly...u need to AGE the damn egg whites for 24 hours
O_O much of work......
so I need to find time to make macaroons again

however the Butter Cake turned out fantastic :D :D :D

creamie buttery and moist :D:D:D
I'll make this again :))))))))))))))

and my herbed italian pork sausage rolls :)))))))))
okie lar.....didn't look pretty but it was sure tasty hehehehehehe

okie macaroons...I'll attempt u again but need to find which weekends that I have got 48 hours :P
wish me LUCK!!!!!


  1. I'd give the thumbs up for the cake and sausage roll :)))

  2. Macarons crazier than eclairs, eh? :P
    I made them again last Saturday evening, this time, complete with chocolate icing. They turned out UGLY but pretty yummy... and NO MORE NEXT TIME!

  3. oh, need to age the egg white in msia? my gf´s had been requesting me to do when i balik for cny so, thanks for the tips!

  4. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Hey, it looks better than my first time ok!!! clap, clap clap!

    Next time when ur macaroons jadi, I'll give u more claps ok?

    My Laduree and Pierre Herme are on the way back to KL. I will make again weekend after I makan them. Let me know your whereabout, will send u and JS some to try out. :)


  5. JS: TQ and bcoz of wat u've said today....I'm making bread for u tonite :)))

    Nee Lee: yeah macaroons a lot of technique and trade secrets kekekekekeke. So when r u gonna post pic up?

    Lianne: Hello there!!! I kenot compete with ur beautiful homemade macaroons lar...i oso dunno y must age the egg white :P

    Elly: we r away again this weekend....looks like no luck..nvm lemme find time to make macaroons in the near near future kekekekeke

  6. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Wow...bread! I cant make bread. Tried a few times, failed! Then again am not a bread person. hehehe... :)

    So how's the outcome? Goody good???


  7. Good outcome. I m hvin it for bfast today :)
    You should try making bread Elly. It's easy n very satisfying. Also very healthy since you know what goes into it. Once you eaten your own bread, you won't want to eat those commercially available (msia only.....haha)bread again :)
    Actually a bread machine is a good investment :)

  8. bee ree, when can we hv tea session again with ur home made bakeries? :p

  9. Elly: the bread ar...I better have good outcome coz I got certificate one bout it here

    JS: u wanna get a bread machine now? dunnit la...u get us the Kitchen Aid griller/panini toaster can ady :D

    Shell Shell: after our waterfall KFC outing :D

  10. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Oh la la! Dont pray pray oh....really fofesionale!

    hehe... :)

