Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Rossignol-Trapet Wine Dinner at Leornado's

Iberique ham fr Spain with plum tomato and ardoino olive
paired with Rossinol Trapet, Gevrey Chambertine - Veilles Vignes 2008

Monkey was invited for a wine dinner by JS
yes these days I have to be booked and invited coz work is just taking too much of my life
where were the days when I could just go home for a comfy dinner home cooked with love
and also laze around with NO SCHEDULE
but that's not the case, ppl have to book me weeks in advance
I missed birthday dinners, friends' events/gatherings, weddings, outings
and every single personal social event has to be booked in advance
*wham head unto keyboard*

let's skip the above and concentrate on this wine dinner instead hehehehe
and the dinner was held at Leornado's a wine loft on top of this lil hill of Bangsar
the only knowledge I have of this maker was during our visit last December
well at least we are able to identify its parcel

Rossignol Trapet was a family business handed down all the way since 16th century *gag*
of marriage between the Rossignol of Volnay and Trapet of Gevrey Chambertin
we also found out during our visit to Burgundy France last year that there's a HAND ME DOWN BIZ tax by the french government
it's about EURO 1 mil.....huh? so u wanna hand ur biz to ur son....or next generation or mistress u have to pay the government that *double gag*

"IT Sa Im-Puh-See-Bee-Leh!!!!" said the winemaker while waving his hands onto the air
well that was last year...and fast forward to present...let's again concentrate on this dinner and do not de-tour again Monkey!!!! -_-

the dinner was organised by Vinum Wines Malaysia
and M People alwiz refer Vinum as Venom
yeah the moment u step into their cellar...u can say "Au Revoir" to ur $$$$$
bound to spend money and more venomous than any BAGS shop :P

hey at least if I buy BAGS i can use it for years...
anyway I enjoy wines very much so no complain...kekekekekkeeke
Pan Fried Foie Gras with prune compote and red radish
paired with Petit Chapelle 1st cru 2007

and also Petit Chapelle 1st Cru 2008

I was alamak-ing coz all the wines were so young :P

Rossignol Trapet uses 100% bio-dynamics agriculture and they are certitfied
meaning they believe in the FORCES of the cosmic, holistic development of the soil
and the interrelation between human, animals, the earth, sky, sun...wat else?
they even have planting calendar and the astronomical sowing schedule
all the efforts...................gosh............
I believe soon the Wine Association in France will sit down together and draw a schedule on the Astronomical Wines Opening....when wat time and where to open a perfect bottle :P
Pan roasted US prime beef tenderloin with sauteed mushrooms and mashed potato
paired with Chambertin Grand cru 2008

For this dinner, guest chef was flown in from Singapore - Chef Dalton Fong from Bistro du Vin
yes u got it....hokkien mee!!!!!
this was not on the menu of our wine dinner

since we were craving for more food....we ordered this fr its NORMAL menu
guess Guest Chef must be mad at us :P
yep Leornado's has got local food in its menu and this place is non-halal
I Ching & Monkey
we ate so much of the hokkien mee :P

but didn't finish our beef kekekekkekekeke
then came out another yummy superlicious fried mee hoon with lotsa pork lard
whacked again.....
I dun mind coming to this place again for the hokkien mee + fried mee hoon
really really awesome - the most memorable part of our dinner :D
to sum up the dinner, Cheese fr France and Netherlands were served
we had semi hard cheeses with muscatel and walnuts
they were really strong cheese esp the one with Pimento powder
a few bottles for the nite and the chadonney was an aperitif - Bourgogne blanc by Joseph Matrot 2008
favourite of the nite? hmmm
supposed the style of the winemaking isn't us.....
or just maybe they were just too young and not very well prepared. 
Monkey & Dr. Epicurian
why are most doctors all epicurian?

anyway we have one in Msia and another in Spore liao
think they can be best friends :P

Leornado's Dining Room & Wine Loft
61-1 & 61-2, Jalan Bangkung,

Bukit Bandaraya,
59100 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel: 603 2096 2226


  1. Actually when you make rice wine, you also look at moon phases. I used to shrugged that aside when told but after learning about French winemakers using biodynamics, I see some logic in moon phases and rice wine making.....the fuller the moon when you start to ferment the rice, the larger the quantity of ricevwine produced! Believe it or not I leave that to you :))

  2. JS: who told u about rice wine making? u tried it before?

  3. My mother offcourse :)
    Tried before. The straining part damn difficult!
