Friday, July 08, 2011

Apple iOS 5

I.Can't.Wait for this!!!!!!
this I dun mind paying for :D

the arrival of iOS 5 by this year :D
the operating system for all Apple's mobile products were already so far ahead
with this new one...I can't really imagine
with 200 new features I really really can't wait...
GAWD I'm practically hopping on my chair now!!!!
it has got iMessaging!!!!!
woooohoooooooooooooooo :P
and all the ohhhhh ahhhhh features
and u can multi-task on ur gadgets....
wuuuwAHHHHH I really need this!!!!!
iOS 5 is GOD sent!!!!
i Lap u!!!!
the next item that's holding my breath is the iCloud :D
coming this fall 
u can integrate all ur damn Apple gadgets together
from iPod, iTouch, iPhone, iPad, Macbook, iMac 
*I just realised we have got everything :P so that makes iCloud compulsory!!!!*
and store everything into this WIRELESS cute must have iCloud!!!!!!
u can access this data storage without hassle
it even SYNC ur data fr email to calendar to contacts AUTOMATICALLY

i think I die-ed at this point for holding my breath too long
I want I want I want I want I want I want

starring at my iPad 2
yes folks the iPad 2 is sitting inside my drawer :P
nope, we didn't purchase it...
Mr. JS got it at a lucky draw at one of his Golf Tournament
*next time u win a CAR ok....i want that one that's parking at Saujana*

iPad 2 still kenot jailbreak!!! WTF!!!!
so I m still very eppy-ly using my iPad 1.0


  1. Eh... Ipad2 can jailbreak dy la....

  2. LY: Hello!!! really? as in very stable?? yipppeeeeeeeeeeeee

  3. yes my dear... it was out last week...
