Monday, July 11, 2011

Afternoon Tea Monkey's style

My Roomies were so lovely.....when Monkey offered to do an afternoon tea everyone wanted to help
coz Monkey was very busy traveling, work, managing events, playing tourist guides to visitors fr overseas,

so I had to assure them many many times.....DO NOT WORRY
I've got this baby....
when I said I will "prepare food" = BUY food
so by 2pm sharp, everyone was here...and on this pic we were seen queue-ing up to make coffee?
aiseh...dunnit to queue up, I will make for u guys!!!!!
and Mee Mee said her new work place has one of the best coffee ever!!!
can I come to ur new office? :))))))))))))))))))

and for this afternoon tea, we have apple tea, green tea, milo, HK milk tea and Nespresso coffee of coz
since I bought food, need to heat em up in the oven
well how difficult is tat :))))))))))))))

our tea spread!!!!!!
heheheheheheheheh Shell Shell & me are savoury time must buy more savoury goodies
pictures before chomping the food
told ya we r cam-whores :P
Sidang Mesyuarat Tergempar!!!!
which one to eat first :P

Bingka Ubi = Tapioca cake
it's a damn difficult dessert to make...first u need to shred and strain the tapioca and remove its juice
then fry them with pandan coconut milk to make em into custard....basically u have to fry em till dry and bake it again in the oven to achieve the brownish top
for all its hardwork buy easier lar!!!

next on the same plate is chicken siew pao
I prefer pork siew pao

cucur udang = deep fried prawns fritters served with chili dip
banana balls!!!!!!

the many faces of Shell Shell
Nee Lee next time pls put on more expression!!!! kekekekekeeke

yummy my favourite Kuih Koci = pyramid shaped of glutinous rice flour with sweet bean paste wrapped in banana leaves
the red one was Ang Ku Kuih = an baba nyonya kuih of mung bean paste wrapped in red glutinous rice flour.
these are so cute coz it's only bite size!!!!

Kenny Roasters' Muffins of vanilla and raisin flavours
these are Shell's favourite

kuih lapis !!!! and egg tarts :))))))))
all in bites sizes
I used to peel the kuih lapis piece by piece to savour it :D
but these days...too much of a hassle...just shove the whole piece into the mouth lar
JS stood there n waited for this shot
he wanted to snap Mee Mee & Shell Shell eating
Mee Mee said that wasn't let's do another pose again
so composed lar this shot

Nee Lee made and brought this
she called it Breakfast :))))))))))))
it's basically cake with lemon curd on top?
is it??? I had one, do u have a recipe??
looks like she's the only one whom "MADE" food that afternoon....hahahhahah
out of nowhere came a birthday cake :))))))))))))))))))
who's one years old???
hahahahahhhaha she was so flustered
Make a wish 1st!!!!
"No no no...I think I wanna make One...err Two...or maybe just maybe 3 wishes???"
Best Friends are like rare gems....
okie now u continue to make ur WISHESSSSssssssSSSSSssssssssssss
Happy Birthday MEE MEE!!!!!
Thanks ladies for an awesome afternoon
we'll do this again soon :)))))))
Love u all!!!

Food from: Nyonya Colors, Kenny Roasters, Mr. Siew Pao


  1. I can't match Shell's many expressions lar :P

  2. nice! when's my turn to makan2 at your place ;)

  3. Nee Lee: ok prollie u should take cam-whoring classes fr Shell Shell kakakakkakakakakaka

    Kindy Chai: Yea next trip must do!!!! hehehehehehe. October?

  4. Afternoon Tea Monkey Style 's all photographs are looking awesome and you there were lots of Delicious items for Eat. She was very happy on her birthday and she wish lots of wishes.

  5. still i think monkey is the ultimate champion of universal expression - me kalah habis compared to her :p

  6. All the picture's are really awesome and you look like very pretty. I love the collection of different type of food on dining table. When i look this image i feel i am hungry. Thanks for posting.
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  7. thank you Extreme Power and angelmenny.....:))))
