Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Yung Kee Restaurant, HK *One Michelin Star*

damn......I lurve shops that merchandise their food this seductively
yeah those are REAL poultry if u r wondering, they ain't plastic food aka POSM (point-of-sales-materials)

so perfect...not even a single sight of "torn" skin on the steamed chicken
nor imperfection on the roasted ones.....
GAH!!!! I want this NOW!!! now!!! now!!!!!
somebody pls have lunch with me today.........I want roast duck/chicken/goose rice!!!!!
yes if u r wondering we are at the famous mother of all roast goose place in HK
Yung Kee earned their very first Michelin Star 3 years ago

the key of dining here is pls do make reservation and show up on time
if u r a walk-in customer, u dun get the goose that's hand-roasted by Master Chef
instead those are the ones prepared by his students.
and of coz u dine downstairs with a different ambience with no reservation.
the famous creamie century egg
I think we took pic of the not-so-nice plate of century eggs
it was so yummy we ordered another portion for each and everyone of us :P
hi cholesterol yo!!!!

file pic taken last usually it is this creamie with the melting yolk
hmmmmmm for those who dun take century egg....u r missing a lot....

suckling HK they eat it with some meat at the bottom
whereby in Msia there's only SKIN and nothing else
I dunno which part of the pig they used bcoz there's some nice crunchy chewy edible soft bones at the bottom of these skin....hence it gave this suckling pig a very good texture

pls take note on its skin's evenly and perfectly roasted....
the colors are the same

another must order fish the dry fry beef hor fun with some secret chinese wine
whenever I eat beef hor fun it just reminded me of the movie The Chinese Feast
do take time and watch clipping on their super masterchef's preparation of beef hor fun *here*
after watching it, I am more determined to retrieve this DVD
yes sometimes the easiest thing in life takes a lot of hardwork to produce

this one was recommended my Si Fu....he said it is a must try
stuffed toufu with fish, prawn and pork paste then deep fried
and lastly presented with some dash of abalone and oyster sauce

I dunno wat u call this super yummy vege
it is fr the Mustard Green family
so it has a golden bitter taste......

yang chow fried rice with lotsa of chopped chinese ham
this one was ordered out of courtesy for all the "Rice-pot" on the table
no rice can die....and u know who I meant?
as alwiz....I leave the best for the last
we came all the way for this....
this superior highly prized, crazily rated and outta this world ROAST GOOSE
that won so many awards and remain the indisputably the best place for roast goose
we only ordered half portion but this proved to be insufficient at the end
the meat was so juicy, moist and tender with no gamey taste at all
its skin were crispy and thin...which ultimately melts the moment it touches the heat of your tongue
if I have a plate now right smack in front of my will definitely MAKE MY WEEK!!!!!
u must also have their MANGO pudding
maybe they can just omit the pickled cherry
Cherry doesn't eat cherry anyway
and so the cherry was thrown outta the bowl....
pieces of mango and its custard were scooped out for godly admiration before being further appreciated by the palate and then tummy

what an ultimate luncheon with colleagues and friends :))))))

Yung Kee Restaurant,
GF & 1F,
32-40 Wellington Street,
Central Hong Kong.
Tel: +852 2522 1624


  1. drool drool drool..

  2. Nee Lee: *kluuuu kluuuu kluuu*

    Kindy Chai: Nice catch up last u can go and have your roast duck/goose/chicken rice :)))
