Monday, June 20, 2011

The Macho and The Sweet Devil's Marriage Matrimony

Beautiful Kalamandapan Scotts Road Temple
we just spent some time staring at all the hand-carved and hand-painted statues all over it
such intricacies....:))))))
2 Sundays ago, we were all gathered at this temple for an even more beautiful event
Sweet Devil Rachel and Macho Mani's Celebration of Love

Kolam hand drawn with colored rice to bestow prosperity
Kolams can only be done by ladies aka female only

it was our first Indian wedding and we didn't know wat to expect
so we went with an open mind
and even happier hearts to witness the sacred matrimony of The Macho and The Sweet Devil
it's a privilege to be invited :)))))))))))))))

the priest at the altar with so many "condiments" for the ceremony
from bananas to coconuts and even "giling" a type of stone used to ground chili into paste
and there's a tree wrapped in white cloth in the middle

so while we waited, the priest chanted prayers
sprinkled holy water which all added to the atmosphere to the ceremony
when Monkey arrived...she was so bestowed with holy water too

Machi Mani's sis: "Welcome to Mani and Rachel's Wedding. No no no....u must stop and lemme sprinkle u first..."
after a few tinkerbell wand-liked action...I was allowed in :))))
 I wished I could participate/monkey-ed around in all the actions but then I totally have no idea wat to do.........
Monkey just can't be still and do nothing....
with the Bride and the Groom all hidden in separate rooms I was left with the guests and they are not my target :P
all the ladies came in their beautiful sarees
ppl alwiz tell me how many hours they take to tie their sarees
but I've witnessed with my own eyes, my Indian colleague fr New Delhi only took 20 seconds to tie hers!!!!!!
it was so fast...I have to asked her to remove it and re-tie a couple of times in much much more slower action.....

a few days earlier Monkey asked Sexay Back Maggie wat to wear
Sexay Back: "It's a temple so wear something which respect the venue."
and guess wat she came in???? A Sexay Back dress T_T
so failed lar your advise!!!!
and soon the air-conditioned hall was filled with guests
such a kaleidoscope of colors and PEOPLE

and soon the ceremony begin...
the groom was then ushered in with traditional indian musical instruments

No no no this is not a marrige of a Man to another Man *that is illegal in Msia*
and we are definitely at the RIGHT wedding

the ceremony usually begins with the Groom and one Male family member from the Bride
so in this case, Sweet Devil Rachel's bro was here
I think I spotted some spices and curry powder and cumin there!!!!
the ceremony was very memorable with traditional music being played throughout
and prayers were being chanted
I lurve Indian weddings already!!!
with its colourful and vibrant colors and culture :)))))))))))
since we have nothing to do, we were discussing in-depth about the white lines on the priests
Monkey to Devigaga: "Wat's the white lines like Doraemon's whiskers on his body?"
Devigaga: "I dunno!!!"
"Are u Indian?"
Devigaga >_<

Macho Mani receiving blessing fr his family members

there's this yarn liked strings that was tied to his finger the whole nite
we dunno wat is tat...coz the only Indian friend sitting with us can't really explain to us
-_- and again my question to her...Are u indian????
Devigaga: "$#(*#$^&@*^@ I dunno lar dun ask me!!!"

so serious and so solemn......
wei smile a bit lar...this is not the end of the world...
only the end of your bachelorhood but U r the luckiest man ever to be married to Rachel Yong ok!!!

yes more like it now....
Macho Mani is sooooo HENSEM :)))))))))))))))))

so colourful :)))))))))))))))))
the family members must put this "Tilaka" on their forehead
soooo many times that the end of the ceremony, their forehead has got nothing but this marking

Macho Mani was "caught" crying here...or shedding tears...
*he must be saying NO it was sweat!!!*
so emotional....we were so moved by this ceremony too
and soon the moment everyone's been waiting for.....the arrival of the beautiful, enchanted and exotic BRIDE!!!!

blushing bride lead by her entourage
Sweet Devil still managed a few flirtatious winks at her guests
well that's her :)))))
with her even more exotic entourage of Bride's maid
sorry dearie all Indian Guests looking for a chinese wife...
these ladies were all taken and they are all Hawt Mamas aren't they??
Hawt Mama Thevi, Beautiful CS, Encee

Hot Babe Shen looking so serious here
she's busy lighting up the candles here

Lights is the source of life in Hinduism
later on the Bridesmaids can rest after a long long day

Sweet Devil Rachel is soooooooooo BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
I think all the Indian ladies lost out to you lar Akka!!!!
and then the ceremony for the Bride begins with one Female family member fr the groom
We were in tears to see her this Happy :))))))))))

All the shots were beautifully captured by JS using Canon 1D Mark IV and Canon 5D
I dunno which one to post so post everything la!!!!!

I figured out that Hawt Mama Thevi must be explaining the ceremony to Beautiful CS

Monkey oso has got her interpreter :)
"Wow Devigaga u got a Saree!!!"
Devigaga: "F u lar!!! of coz I have!!!!"

this is like putting Tilaka on the hand....

later both the Bride and the Groom changed to a different set of attire
and another ceremony of matrimony begins

I can feel the weight on her neck!!!!!

After the union of the marriage, the Husband will take the Wife around the tree in white cloth
for a few rounds with more prayers being chanted

HEY!!!! Dun throw the BANANAS away!!!! I WANT!!!!!

JS used his zoom lense and I cam-whored a bit :P
along with the guest at the back of me kekkekekekekke

Then Rachel's Daddy and Mommy's feet were dunk into a plate of milk

and she no no...not wash them but put some curry-cardamon-liked powder on them
with inscription for blessing...
hey i didn't know u can write tamil????

then it's Macho Mani's turn to do the same for Sweet Devil Rachel
later when the ceremony was about to end, we were given some yellow saffron rice
one handful per person along side some beautiful flower petals
upon signal fr the Priest, everyone threw the saffron rice to the Bride and Groom
I supposed that signal the matrimony union
lurve the eye contact that they have for each other
soooo in LOVE :)))))))))))))))
their attire were so detailed....all hand embroided
Bonnie the photog to the rescue to fix her hair
Monkey, Devigaga, Chatwin, Sexay Back Maggie
when's ur turn? waitin for yours next :D
Group pic :)))))
Sweet Devil is soooo Sweet and yet her smiles was so devil
nyek nyek nyek..........

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