Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sharkfins galore at Yaowarat, Bangkok

Disclaimer: to all sharkfins activists.....u may leave this blog and skip this posting :P

Yaowarat is a Chinatown in Bangkok...
come to think of it...there's Chinatown everywhere around the world in all continents
so technically this isn't Thai food but considered chinese food..
anyway u kenot miss Yaowarat during ur visit to Bangkok

waiting for food~~~~~
anyway this was appetizer only...there are a gazillions of sharkfins soup simply choose the one with the longest queue and settle down...
tthe background was the scene of Hong Kong rite?
dun have to wait long...coz the moment I turned the other side to check the traffic, our condiments arrived with cutleries...
service is alwiz top notch in Thailand - the Land of Smiles :)))))))))))))))
Now the process......
the claypot were heated up to create "breathe of fire" = wok hei
I find this so cute!!! hahahah
anyway it's a stall so only 2 person manning and cooking and taking orders
the claypots were clean and no oil was used
those thingy on the flat basket u see were SHARKFINS!!!!!!!

and now the actions begin......
it was quick and easy....
first they heat up the claypot followed by a very very good yummy stock/broth
then freshly peeled crab's so fresh I wanted to order one plate of the meat to eat..hahaha
but then they dun em this way..
then chunks and chunks of should or I say the whole basket of sharkfins were added into the claypot..
so eppy!!!! yummy freshly made sharkfins soup with even fresher crabmeat!!!!

happiness was not for long coz JS needed to snap pic....
he wanted to style that claypot of sharkfins soup with some coriander and beans sprout...
after a few shots he decided that if he photograph it with the background of traffic would be great..

arghhhh my sharkfins soup is getting cold!!!!! faster!!!!!!
JS: "ok now u hold it.....and pause there......"
*Snap snap snap snap*
sounds of shutter went clanking by
but the sounds of my tummy playing its symphony was even more intimidating
heheheheh anyway thank you to JS for all the wonderful pics...otherwise we won't have all these superb postings :D heheheheeheh
JS: "Ok now scoop some of it up......."
Monkey T_T my sharkfins soup is calling.....faster wei.......

but look at the chunks of it!!!!!!!!!!!!
u won't believe the price for the whole damn claypot of the above...
take a guess.....guess sumore.....quick quick guess!!!!
Monkey: "I want the biggest portion......."
JS: "One portion is enuff!!!"
Monkey: "How much per claypot?"
JS: "500 baht = RM 50?"
Monkey: "so lil??? aiya order 2 claypots lar..."
JS: "vely vely big pot one!!!!! enuff ady!!!!!"

true enuff.....,RM 50 per claypot was more than enuff to feed the both of us
RM 50???????????? msia I'll get a bowl of glue-ey soup with a few strands of jelly-liked strands of sharkfins which usually cast some doubts that they're fake sharkfins???

wahhh so cheap!!!! can we have another bowl???
JS T_T "we still need to eat dinner leh....."
oh ok ok ok ok
so now u know y Yaowarat is a must visit?
and by the way everyone here speaks Chinese :D
be it cantonese or mandarin....hehehehe

I just found out that the land prices of Yaowarat is the 2nd highest in Bangkok
hmmm and yet they can sell things this cheap....hmmmm...
same thing with public transport....they have No petrol subsidy and yet everything is cheap
from limo to taxi to tuk-tuk

hellooo Msia government & fellow Msians.......wake up!!!!!!
though no increament this round...the diesel subsidy for category 9 vehicles (Lorries/taxi/limo/trucks/water tanker/vans/cargos) will be removed with effect 1st and white already issued by the gov *and I bet u didn't know rite???*
so in totality this will indirect hit all your stuffs - food/groceries/logistic services/water/drinks (coz trucks that transport air botol oso kena)
so bravo again gov for making another marketing campaign that u will not increase the price for the sake of your Rakyats...
bravo bravo I didn't thought of tat oso....tsk tsk...

Yaowarat Road,
Bangkok, Thailand.


  1. Yeap. No direct impact on the consumer but the indirect impact(from increased transport cost) will affect us in a far greater way!! Currently most category of transporters get 32sen/lit subsidy lesser than pump price of rm1.8/l. Come 1st June this additional subsidy(at pump price of rm1.8per lit of diesel its still subsidized but at 32sen/l less) will be removed n you can appreciate what impact it will hv on the economy of the country.

  2. JS: the Gov really treating Rakyats like stupid....
