Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jumpin Shrimp Salad, Bangkok

small tiny crystal clear baby shrimps on an inverted food cover
*asians used this red basket to cover/protect their cooked food from the ever malicious flies*

we were walking past Central World *yes the huge shopping mall that got bombed*
the sidewalk were line-up wif not al fresco dining but street food!!!!!

the jumping shrimp vendor caught our attention
so we tot of stopping and watched wat he was up to with all his dancing and jumping baby shrimps
cute tiny clear baby shrimps were all alive~~~~~
jumping among each other
there got to be hundreds of thousand of em!!!!!
Monkey & Jumping shrimp vendor in a funky and very trendy fuchsia shirt :))))
he was seen here preparing the salad
first u gather some chopped spring onions
and then add on the finely chopped coriander
he also added some finely chopped like eggie stuffs
a few dashes of thai fish sauce
squeezed some fresh limes
throw in hot spicy chili flakes!!!!
and the super star of the dish  - the jumping shrimps
mix em up!!!!
mix em more thoroughly!!!!!
at this juncture I can't wait to sink my teeth

JS: "u sure u wanna eat this? not scared stomach ache?"
Monkey: "with the amount of chilis we r consuming we r gonna get stomach ache anyway :P"
almost guess the lime made the shrimps pengsan????
they r definitely not dead
the end product!!!!!!
looks great huh?????
Monkey's eppy face~~~~~~
just like she just received a diamond...wakakakakakaka

it was very good...I will definitely eat again...
in the end both Monkey & JS were fighting for the box of jumping shrimps
price: 40 Bath = RM 4
taste was amazing....spicy, sour and savoury and the sweetness came fr the baby shrimps
paired very well with sliced crunchy green thai mango
yum yum yum~~~

sorry for the lack of updates...we just came home last nite
and heading off to Hong Kong tmrw :D hehehehehehe
will try to prepare some scheduled posting
enjoy the week folks!!!!!


  1. It's call goong dten (กุ้งเต้น) in Thai which translates to dancing shrimps :)

  2. You're both very brave! I wouldn't dare :P

  3. It's like eating live cincaluk :)

  4. Nee Lee: it is just food.....anyway it has stopped jumping after the vendor tossed em like a salad :)))))) think all the baby shrimps pengsan-ed after the lime juice, fish sauce and dried chili flakes.
