Thursday, May 05, 2011

Flatmate Amy & GOE Wedding Dinner @ Gattopardo

GOE, Chef Lino, Flatmate Amy *I seriously need to give u a diff nick now*
Congratulations to both!!!!!

Monkey still recalled the evening where everyone were shoved a glass of champagne out of sudden
thinking it was another blinding....I was about to sip it...until...."wait wait wait hold it..."
until GOE proposed a GRAND TOAST and made the announcement
tears of joy streamed down my cheek and waves of congrats were heard through the venue = J&J's crib

30 seconds later...everyone were bz tweeting/FB-ing their status....hahahahahaha
and a few months we are...more toasting and more tears of joy
at Gattopardo of coz...where else :)))))))))))))
Samantha & Hock Lee
he's the man who taught me Whisky Appreciation 101
soli sir...I still can't pick up the nose....pineapple???
and finally I met Samantha at Flatmate Amy's Bridal Shower
*Read bout it here*
our table!!!
it must have been difficult for the Bride & Groom to do seating arrangement
coz there's the

Wine Kakis
Birding/Photography kakis
Ex-colleagues + current colleagues
Bosses fr all over
beloved friends!!!!!

JS's seat was removed by the waiter including my table setup + place-card
prollie I didn't register my attendance and they thought I was not coming :P
Yiks was the emcee and he did a great job
however he was fired before the end of the evening
we had beautiful cuts of parma + ham for first course
with fresh mozzarella drizzled with Basil Puree + Basil oil on top of aragula + roma tomatoes
also the yummylicious Italian hot-fr-the-oven bread :)))))))))))
yummy squid fr the cold Adriatic Sea
really good....coz they are FAT
the theme was Mafia Chic
and the Chef is fr Sicily....the land of Mafias....hahahahahahaha
as we were bz enjoying the wonderful creation....Yiks continued to entertained us
no he's not singing....and it's not YUM SENG session yet
I dunno wat happen then....

GOE was called upon to do some TESTS :P
a clean sanitized cotton bud came out of Yiks pocket *yes it's confirmed clean*
and GOE had to be "handicapped" to do wine tasting
GUESS!!! which region!!!!
come on!!! it's your favourite :))))))))))))))))
there were 2 wines on the tasting table...and he got BOTH CORRECT!!!!!!!!!
BRAVO kiss fr the bride :))))))))))))))
another one :)))))))))))))))))
freshly hand made pasta with scampi, mussels and clams
the mussels were so delicate...small and sweet...
yea I supposed everything fr Adriatic Sea - knowing Lino :)))))))))))

Thank u Chef Lino for all the beautiful creation
and such tasty food cooked with heart and love
we felt the Sicilian-ness innit :)))))))))

the pic was taken after consumption....:P
seafood soup!!!!! cooked in perfect juice-ness of tomatoes and zucchinis
and all the yummy fish and seafood :))))))
so homely!!!!! really comfort time when I come...I want this!!!!!!

the Wine Kakis table :))))))))))))))
A couple whom I dun have their names, JingNa, Wei Nee, Munchy, Flatmate Amy, GOE, Champagne Queen Val, Chili King Ann Liat, Juliana, Moomba-ing Auggie

Monkey & Celebrity Photog JingNa
She's goin to KOREA to shoot RAIN!!!!
RAIN!!!!!!! RAIN!!!!!! RAIN!!!!!!

lucky u gal :)))))))))))
travel safe and be well!!!! we'll catch up soon
*read bout her exhibition which Monkey attended here*

Another Wine Kakis table minus JS the unofficial photog of the nite
well need no introduction here....they are all the usual suspects :P

Leanne & Shaun.....yes if wanna be Wine Kakis u gotta start them young
these two have very good palate...
die lor...u can only accept good wines now *thanks to ur Daddy*
and Congratulations to Leanne for being elected the President of Student Council
another reason to open another bottle of Bubbly :)))))))

Birding Kakis :)))))))))))))

Another Birding Kakis table

the main table....errr wat is JS doin there???

Beloved friends table...
I only know Joyce :))))))))))

another section :)
a total of 100 beautiful guests turned up
with another 20 odd kids

Kiddos were seated in their private suite with TV and games
with their maids of coz
otherwise the adults won't have such Maximum enjoyment during dinner
good arrangement!!!!

The Chooks :))))))))))))))

Monkey, Keith and Laurel
definitely Wine Kakis hehhehehehehehe

JS & Wine Connoisseur TH
yea definitely wine kakis
okie Mate...see u tonite :) can't wait for the wine tasting :)))))
later both the couple gave a short speech each
and Flatmate Amy was in tears!!!!
ahhhh pls dun...coz everytime when u are....u make us too!!!
later the couple were each given 2 minutes to whip something for the other
GOE cooking tomato based pasta
the fire is quite ferocious leh!!!!!!!
"aiya steady lar brother!!!!"
under the supervision of Chef Lino and his sous chef
wahhhh got plating oso!!!!!!!!
for the Bride to taste and everyone watched in anticipation!!!!
"very nice leh!!!! but can be better :P"
good job good job!!!!!
then it was Flatmate Amy's turn to create a SWEET PASSIONATE DESSERT!!!!
TA-DA!!!!!!! wahhh so pretty!!!!!
the bride of coz :)))))
tell me where got cook so beautiful???
this must be the 1st time Chef Lino has someone in heels inside his kitchen
super sweet dessert with kisses planted on the cheek
all made with love :))))))))))))))))
sweet leh :))))))))))))))))
then we had a lil game
Joyce made Flatmate Amy removed her.....her.......her pearl necklace designed by Jo
and she had to adorned another necklace of Seedless Grapes for GOE to makan....

and before I forget this is Jo the designer whom made Flatmate Amy's necklace
I lurve wat she wore tat nite...matching precious stone necklace/earings/rings
okie back to wat u've been waiting for.....
the grapes session :P
Richard: "Eh friend if u need help lemme know!!!!!"
u can see it wasn't an easy task!!!!
finally....the last sweet grapes!!!
GOE: " time dun make me eat grapes...I dun mind fermented grapes though!!!!"
back to dinner...we had a lovely grilled ribeye with vegetables and potato gratin Italian style on the side
it was so sauce needed....
just a lil small sprinkle of salt
Wines of the nite....from our table....
my favourite two!!!
Hermitage 83 and Pegau 2000
*I m so lookin fwd to tonite's Pegau dinner with the winemaker :))))*
chocolate dessert!!!!!
wat is a wedding without the YUM SENG!!!!!
New Friends :))))) Caddina & Richard
more wines!!!!!
from normal 750ml to Magnum 1.5L to Double Magnum 3L to Jeroboam 6L

Prince C & I Ching
this pic was styled by Monkey....his hair was errrrrr done on purpose
coz he alwiz called me "Mushroom Head"

okie PROPER shot

J&J Jelina was holding on to bouquet of Roses with Black feathers talking to lovely daughter Amanda
Amanda is my Restaurant City Kaki....kekkekekekeke

one pic with my beau
this JS didn't snap any pic of US with the Bride and Groom
it must be in one of those other cameras.....hmmmm....

Flatmate Amy chit chatting with her guests fr France
"wat u lookin at?"
as the nite passed.....his apparel came off...piece by piece...
button by button :P
my fav COUPLE SHOT :)))))))))))
pretend chio!!!! quick!!!
where is the TPL Kate Spade peace sign look????
GOE, Flatmate Amy and a tired Chef Lino
one more Lino lookin like a MAFIA
can someone pls give him a leather jacket and a cigar pls???

thank you for having us......:))))))))))))))
can't wait for our next makan minum session heheheheheh

GattoPardo Italian Restaurant,
The Legends,
Fort Canning Park,
178881 Singapore.
Tel: +65 6338 5498

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