Monday, May 30, 2011

Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, Ratchaburi

 Long tail boat....this was not Monkey's first time on a narrow boat like this.
the previous time was also in Thailand and we were exploring the famous river Chao Phraya
*Read bout it here*
The more adventurous way to get to the Floating Market is with this boat
and our guide Nina hired one whole boat for the 3 of us...hehehhehehe
dunno wat was I doin? prollie talking to Berr or my Balenciaga
so they won't fall off into the water :P
the journey was about 25 minutes wif this boat
and yes....Ratchaburi is about 2 hours fr Bangkok city by CAR
also depending on how fast ur schumacher driver is...
ours took less than 1.5 hours :P
the boat was fast and sumtimes it tilt this way and Monkey will go GAH!!!!
more tilting speeding action!!!!!
yes we were speeding in a tiny canal like this...with houses on both sides
more long tail boats parked at some "residences"
we past by some orchards with a lot of fruits
actually it was a very pleasant ride
and then the long tail boat reduced its speed and we came to a very very happening canal
I knew we were damn near...but didn't expect to see that the Floating Market is indeed SO VIBRANT
with colors, smell, FOOD, ppl with SMILES, FOOD, smell, and more smell of food....arghhhhh
*hungry again*
Monkey was instantly pointing I wanna eat this I wanna eat that....
both JS and Nina the Guide ignored me...coz by this time they knew I am perpetually hungry
and if we ever stop for anything it has got to be food and we won't be able to finish till sunset
I dunno how they could pile so many FRUITS in that tiny rowing boats
and I like how they merchandised their products beautifully
so appetizing lar...

I wished I could jump fr one boat to another....coz there's TRAFFIC JAM!!!!!
we had to maneuver thru the jam before hopping down.
so to navigate....Monkey used her nose...
oh that smells good....let's move over there...
and saw this old lady were bz cooking tiny pancakes
the tiny pancakes were made fr desiccated coconut mixed with palm sugar, coconut milk and mixture of glutinous rice flour before being pan fried with palm oil

she then put everything into a basket tied with a LONG pole and shove it over

and then u grab ur stuff and put the money into her basket

it was very very good....the coconut were fresh actually and the pancake was crispy and chewy on the inside....
very sedap 20 Baht = RM 20 for 20 pieces
and Monkey popped everything into her mouth while it's hot
both JS and Guide Nina  ~_~
*this gal is a food monster*

wahhh really really busy down the canal there....
I don't know how do they move thru

we spent quite a bit gazing down at the hustling bustling amazing floating market
so many things were on sale...
and it was a good spot to recee what I wanna eat....wwuuuaahhahaahhahaha

a very nice pic pic composed by JS
I supposed basically u just sit thru the jam??
and there's this silent rules on how to get thru coz sumhow the vendors know how to row their boat outta this :P

ok super hungry we went to this stall aka rowing boat floating on the canal
that prepares the best kuey tiow soup in this market

4 different condiments with a bottle of Fish sauce
there's the red chili dip with vinegar, roasted green chili dip with vinegar, chili flakes and sugar
So u'll get the infusion of all the 4 flavours from spicy (chili flakes), to savoury (fish sauce) to more spiciness with sourness (chili dips) and sweetness (sugar)

a truly sad face...coz can see kenot eat while waiting for JS to snap pic

then u add ur own fresh Thai Basil and crunchy Beans sprouts
the kuey tiow comes with pork balls, char siew, fishcake slices and pork meat

I like mine with lots of chili flakes
the broth was clear and damn good....pork stock :)))))))))))))))
a very very infused pork stock...
this bow of noodle cost 25 Baht = RM 2.50
"One more pls!!!!! errr make it two!!!!"

slurp slurp slurp!!!!!!

deep fried banana in coconut milk glutinous flour with some sesame seed
heavenly!!!!!! the bananas were super sweet and that extra crunch fr the glutinous flour

after satisfying Ms Monkey's palate...time to go shopping on a rowing boat!!!!!
row row row ur boat....gently down the canal

yeah really slow coz there's a massive jam
but then doin it slow..u'll get to do and shop and eat more!!!!

lots of merchandise and souvenirs for sale....
but we didn't come here for these

Monkey: "I want that!!! watever she's BBQ-ing!!!!!"
there's chicken wings, gizzards, spare parts etc

while shoving food into her mouth..."get me some of those lychees"
JS -_-

Monkey: "hmmm nom nom nom...those mangosteen looks yummy huh? get some?"
JS: "watever u say's ur birthday today" and pulled a painful face

WAHH wat's tat????? I want!!!!!!

steamed Thai dumplings wif sweet minced pork
made freshly fr the rowing boat...WAHHHH

enjoying my super yummy Thai Pork Sausage....still HOT fr its grill!!!!

the signage at the main entrance - Floating Market Damnoen Saduak
with my face there puffy fr FOOD...nom nom nom still bz stuffing me face with food :P

all the fresh produce sold here are fr the nearby orchards
the canal connects to about 200 more canals at this area
dugged during the reign of King Rama IV by his military and locals as a major transportation system
the canals were also used to irrigate their orchards all year round
today it's a major tourist destination

poor Berr!!! too sunny for him :P
he couldn't open his tiny eyes....

ahhhh wat's tat?????

it's THAI style gyoza with pork and vegetables

a man selling kanom beung with different toppings
his tiny rowing boat can accommodate a gas tank too...otherwise how to cook?

the classic....:))))) her hat is like a food cover
JS, I wanna do potrait photography now........wat lense to use???
I dowan the Shift &Tilt lense liao.

for every beginning, there's an time to go :((((((((((

Thank you Mr. JS for bringing Monkey here :))))))))))
how often can I celebrate my birthday with FOOD everywhere and being surrounded by it
I can stuff me face with food every single second while still munching and munching
and munch and munch and munch....
nom nom nom chomp chomp chomp krup krap krup krap
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :))))))))))))))))

and before we leave....our Guide Nina by this time who's very accustomed to the CC power of my stomach asked: "So Maam, do you have anything else that you would like to eat?"

oh yesssss MANGOES!!!!!!!
and so to the fruits boat :)))))))))))))
from boat to food and fruits
most importantly u know which exact stall/boat to go to for the BEST-EST

such excellent service...they prepared the mangoes for me :))))))))))
I felt like a Billion dollar QUEEN
Thais do really have amazing customer service

and I have an even more amazing stomach :))))))
ohh nom nom nom chomp chomp chomp

then we hopped into our mobile....
the driver held out his hand to assist Monkey
gave us COLD towels. even COLDER drinks...
and off we go to the next destination :)))))))))

Damnoen Saduak Floating Market is open daily till 11.00am
so do come early yea :)))))))))))
and pls come with an empty stomach...hehehehehe

oh I missed that bowl of kuey tiow
stomach kluuu kluuuuu


  1. The lady making the cheong fun thingy on top of the pot is call "kow kriep bpag mor". Literally translated to rice pieces made on mouth of pot!!! Its actually made fr rice flour n the filling is savory. Nice :))

  2. Seems like you guys had quite an adventure! Hope the smell of the river did not put off your appetite. :-)
    I have never been on such a boat ride... i guess must try one day!

  3. JS: yes I can have one big tray of tat :D

    Flatmate Amy: Apparently there was no smell. Weird huh? actually the boat ride was quite steady....u must try :D

  4. Anonymous2:02 PM

    May I know where did u hire the boat n the tour guide??
    Nice n details article!! Love it!!

  5. Hello Anonymous, thank you for dropping by and your comment :)))
    We chartered a car with a tour guide from our hotel (hyatt erawan). I am sure most hotels have this service :)))

  6. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Cherry, thank u for the reply.
    Husband n I planning a trip to Bangkok have no idea what to expect! But your info on the Thailand trips were amazing!
    How much the tour cost frm the hotel?

  7. Dear Anonymous,

    Thanks for the words :) Glad that u enjoyed this blog as much as I did (writing it hahahahaha)

    The tour consisted of a driver and a guide (female) who's pretty fluent in english. She's thai. We went to a few places 1) Railyway Market 2) floating market 3) wood carving museum/factory etc

    The package also includes food, rides, basically everything in the market. It seems that whenever I wanna buy something to eat, the tour guide will negotiate and pay for us.

    Total price is Rm 300 for 2 person. Sorry we didn't get her name card so no contacts to share with you. I hope you will have a great trip to Thailand. It's really an amazing place to be :))

  8. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Cherry, thank u SO much for the info provided on the tour. Thank you so much for taking time to response, really amazing info. :)

  9. U are most welcome Anonymous. Have a great trip and safe travel!!!!

  10. We are really grateful for your blog post. You will find a lot of approaches after visiting your post. I was exactly searching for. Thanks for such post and please keep it up. Great work. damnoen saduak floating market

  11. Thank you for dropping by and enjoy your trip!
