Monday, April 04, 2011

Movenpick Restaurant, Basel Switzerland

Movenpick the art of Swiss ice-cream is their tagline :)))))
how could u not have Movenpick in Switzerland rite? rite? rite??????

established in the 60's, it is now owned by Nestle corp
Movenpick has got this strict "no artificial addictives" policy
so rest be assured u r getting the real thang!!!!
and here u dun just get ice creams and loads of desserts but also Swiss food :)))))))))))))))
we had some other Swiss food - raclette, a traditional swiss dish
of melted yummy gooey cow's cheese with loads of onions

since we were tad too lazy to grill it our own, the restaurant has got this ready to eat version
I know....chicken wings in Switzerland????
Monkey u can do better!!!!
but this one was house specialty and it was yummy~~~~~
some sweet onion soup with loads of cheese on top
to warm up a cold day~~~~~~
since Basel was just 1.5km away fr the German border...
veal sausage is a must :))))))))))))))))))))
the main dish of the nite was this!!!!!!
Caramelita was the name of this creation

we went bonkers over its gastronomic selection in the menu
yum yum super yum!!!!!
but sayang coz we only managed to have it once....
well we dun get the luxury to hop over to Movenpick all the time don't we?

Movenpick Restaurant
Markplatz 30, 4001 Basel,
Tel: +41 61 261 31 00

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