Tuesday, April 26, 2011

JP Morgan Corporate Challenge 2011

so the story begin when our dearie MD decided to do this as a TEAM
T_T aiyo~~~~~~~

Baby Wei's BIB 3466
and all BIB contain some sort of chip or barcode to detect participants
also for registration purpose
so at 5pm sharp about 13,233 participants congregated at the esplanade
where the starting point is
major roads nearby were closed for this event, so our cab couldn't get thru and we had to walked

as we were walking lazily towards the kilometres long starting line we saw kiasu ppl warming up
running up and down, stretching, star-jump, hopping and meditating~~~~
flexing their body, and runnin-on-spot in such ferocious speed that smoke came outta their shoes

Mommy Jacky, Monkey, Baby Wei and Alex da Ah Beng popping out of nowhere
yes u can see we were way way way way at the back.......even on the starting line
*my BIB was 3469 and I forgot to buy 4D*

and why oh why didn't it rain?????
but thank gawd it wasn't sunny and there was some breeze coming fr the sea
after waiting for more than an hour....we only get to start....at 6.20pm
coz they have dragon dance and list of sponsors to thank for

there were only 15 of us in our team as compared to other financial institution and telcos, we were like an ANT team :P

most came decked in their corporate logos, corporate colours,
flashing their tech gears on their arms....be it for measuring heartbeat or number of steps they've took
or just an ipod playing their fav music...

as for us...we got our lovely lips to entertain us.......with nuisance and bitching session...
Monkey just complained all the way thru....arghhhhhhh
everyone were running so fast
I felt like an underpowered cc car on the road with the Ferraris and Lambos zooming past me left and right.....vrrommm vrrrommm vrrrommmm

think I was a hazard on the road for being so slow...coz those participants kept beeping me..
"excuse me....excuse me..."
think less than 5 minutes we were heading to Marina Bay Sands
and again I was right at the back......huffing and puffing like grandma
Alex da Ah Beng: "Stop taking pic and start running!!!!!!"
and so I let them ran past joining all the mean machines of Ferraris and Lambos
Scooby Doo~~~~~
dunno which company was this but managed to snap these bunch of angmohs in their cute suit
I felt like pulling their tail!!!!!! kekekekkekeke
the female scooby doo has got a headband with a bow on it!!!!! I like!!!!!!
can I be part of your team? u can call me scrabby doo????

later we were underneath the Singapore Flyer
time to start Operation X
Operation X = run to Medics Marquee

can u believe it...once we reached the 1.6km mark which was the medics marquee
and also the finishing line....
*oh well they have to continue on for a few more km before u-turning back to this point*
there were already RUNNERS CROSSING the finishing line
splashing themselves with cold water and downing 100 plus
-_-" are these human or wat?
we did 1.6km and they've done 5.6km????

as we sat thru for the next hour waiting for our TEAM member to cross the line
we saw so many casualties at the medics marquee....
I think due to the number of participants, accidents can't be prevented...
ppl falling on the road/pavement hurting themselves, from the ankles to the arm to FINGERS!!!!!!
it was a bloody scene at the Medics Marquee...
an hour past.....and more participants crossed the finish line
non of our team members made it yet...
the sun set....and my heart skipped longing to be at the Flyer
my stomach growling fr hunger coz I did 1.6km!!!!!! hahahahahha
my sensitive nose twitched with all the sweat + BO comin fr all the angmohs participants

later the team member came gushing one by one at the finish line
all RED and SWEATY and panting for breathe...and swore never ever again

MD: "No gals.....I've registered all of you for Great Eastern Run this July!!! pls come prepared coz it's a 10km run"
Monkey faints~~~~~~~
Singapore CBD fr the flyer
it was a good experience....my very first marathon :P
I had fun doin ppl-watch though....hahahaha

now back to serious stuff:
JP Morgan Corporate Challenge 2011 is the 8th one being held in Spore
it's a worldwide event runnin consecutively from London, New York to Sydney
all proceeds will go to MILK and ACM

pics stolen fr the web hehehehe
it's Mr. Jochen Kuenzel of Boston Consulting vs Mr. Ho of UBS sprinting to the finishing line

and the results:
MEN -- Christopher Yates of BP Singapore *yaaay go go BP!!!!!*
WOMEN -- Jenny Lundgren of Standard Chartered Singapore

and after this race.....we sprinted to the hawkers centre for char kuey teow, satays, carrot cake, hokkien mee, grilled chicken wings and pilled on more than we burned :P


  1. Well done, Bee Ree! So proud of you *muaks*

  2. Nee Lee: *hugs* u r so kind...but I didn't finish the race :P

  3. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I like JS's comment. so "Precise"! hahahahaha...


  4. JS & Elly: hehehehe....how to run leh? 5.6km....memang mau mati!!!

  5. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I think I can do 5.6km now. Last time cannot lah. Coz now I can run/walk on the treadmill for 80 mins with speed of 5.5/8.5 max. :D


    Is ok. U dont need to run lah, sudah pun kurus & kici. ;)


  6. Oh, I meant I'm so proud of your creativity in evading the 5km and ran only 1.6km. Bravo! :P

  7. Elly: WAHHHH u so fit already!!!! gambatei!!! good for u :))))) i m so eppy to hear this :))))))

    Nee Lee: ur real meaning was u were so proud of my operation scheming? :P

  8. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Morning babe!

    Yeah, stamina building up. I wont say fit though! The Kgs macam still the same.....sigh...maybe like the trainer says, building up muscle koh? Hehe....

