Saturday, April 30, 2011


hello there...
y r u staring at me???

beggin for attention perhaps?
no u dun need me....there are a gazillion million ppl queueing up to buy u

ur new white sexay body dun interest me
ur choices of different color casing tis time doesn't affect me
the additional camera doesn't mean anything to me

go away...
ohhh I still lurve my old iPad :))))))))))))
*hugs iPad 1.0*

Friday, April 29, 2011


for a very important WEDDING

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Burger King

we were at Zurich airport and Burger King sits at the very end hidden
prollie they imposed that all fast food outlet must be hidden
coz when u stepped into the airport, all u see were oysters and caviar bar
with champagne and all :P

and more gourmet outlet selling foie gras, more CAVIAR, chocolates, etc

by lookin at its needs at least 6 hours to dine here
coz everything must try :P
the portion are huge here....the burger is the size of my face
I think those in the States must be even bigger.....kekekekekek
yes that's the name on the menu

R&D staffs in Burger King must had been playing too much of ANGRY BIRDS
quite spicy and that's wat we wanted :)))))))))))))
a layer of green pickled jalapeno innit
oh yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we dun get Angry Whopper in Malaysia
even Thailand has it :((((((((((
*counting days to Bangkok & my Thai Chicken Rice :))))))))))))))*
Jalapeno Cheesy bites :P
guess we were deprived of chilis by then.....hahahahaha
oh in Malaysia we dun get Jalapeno Cheesy bites!!!!!
*no wonder we dun go to Burger King here*
or better still go to their main site at

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Semi-home cooked food

oh yummy carpaccio of octopus with finely chopped chives
it was our very last nite at Basel and we have had enuff of dining outside every single nite
and decided it's time to eat at home finally
after all it's just the only 2 of us *hehehehehehe*
fresh salmon drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, some mini capers, pepper, lemon juice
aikkksss forgot bout dill....salmon and dill goes very well together T_T
made a simple salad of "I dunno wat leaves was tat" but it sure taste good
it's like LAMB lettuce but not like it...and obviously we can't read GERMAN, which was printed on its packaging *bleurgh*
topped it with more avocados and thinly sliced red radish
well the above was just only our starter......hehehehehehe
the first thing that got whammed into the oven were baby french potatoes, rosemary, french long onions, garlic....was so tempted to throw in some chilis to roast as well...kekekekekeke

oh yea Monkey was cooking in her Superman t-shirt :P
the kitchen was OK-ly equipped.....with cooker and oven
only thing missing was coffee machine and thus I had to make do with instant cappucino in packs
pan seared pork rib and later whammed into the oven
the other piece was the shoulder blade....
bought 2 different cuts to have different taste and fat content :P
well obviously my knife skill isn't fantastic unlike a certain Doctor
haiya afterall gonna end up in our tummy.....

since we had to finish everything in the fridge before we leave..
the roasted tomatoes on the vine were leftover from breakfast :P
our dinner!!! VOILA!!!!!

after saying our prayers.....yes we do say prayers....
thanking our Boss cum Owner for this meal and for having us in Switzerland
bla bla bla.....aiks...I dunno how to do Jewish prayers lar...
Baby Wei bought this beautiful dessert of I dunno wat Strawberry crumble thingy
such nice packaging they have there with the plexy glass bowl which u can re-cycle

Restaurant details: our apt
Ingredients sourced from: local Manor supermarket
Pics and food styling by: Baby Wei

excuse moi :P

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

JP Morgan Corporate Challenge 2011

so the story begin when our dearie MD decided to do this as a TEAM
T_T aiyo~~~~~~~

Baby Wei's BIB 3466
and all BIB contain some sort of chip or barcode to detect participants
also for registration purpose
so at 5pm sharp about 13,233 participants congregated at the esplanade
where the starting point is
major roads nearby were closed for this event, so our cab couldn't get thru and we had to walked

as we were walking lazily towards the kilometres long starting line we saw kiasu ppl warming up
running up and down, stretching, star-jump, hopping and meditating~~~~
flexing their body, and runnin-on-spot in such ferocious speed that smoke came outta their shoes

Mommy Jacky, Monkey, Baby Wei and Alex da Ah Beng popping out of nowhere
yes u can see we were way way way way at the back.......even on the starting line
*my BIB was 3469 and I forgot to buy 4D*

and why oh why didn't it rain?????
but thank gawd it wasn't sunny and there was some breeze coming fr the sea
after waiting for more than an hour....we only get to 6.20pm
coz they have dragon dance and list of sponsors to thank for

there were only 15 of us in our team as compared to other financial institution and telcos, we were like an ANT team :P

most came decked in their corporate logos, corporate colours,
flashing their tech gears on their it for measuring heartbeat or number of steps they've took
or just an ipod playing their fav music...

as for us...we got our lovely lips to entertain us.......with nuisance and bitching session...
Monkey just complained all the way thru....arghhhhhhh
everyone were running so fast
I felt like an underpowered cc car on the road with the Ferraris and Lambos zooming past me left and right.....vrrommm vrrrommm vrrrommmm

think I was a hazard on the road for being so slow...coz those participants kept beeping me..
"excuse me....excuse me..."
think less than 5 minutes we were heading to Marina Bay Sands
and again I was right at the back......huffing and puffing like grandma
Alex da Ah Beng: "Stop taking pic and start running!!!!!!"
and so I let them ran past joining all the mean machines of Ferraris and Lambos
Scooby Doo~~~~~
dunno which company was this but managed to snap these bunch of angmohs in their cute suit
I felt like pulling their tail!!!!!! kekekekkekeke
the female scooby doo has got a headband with a bow on it!!!!! I like!!!!!!
can I be part of your team? u can call me scrabby doo????

later we were underneath the Singapore Flyer
time to start Operation X
Operation X = run to Medics Marquee

can u believe it...once we reached the 1.6km mark which was the medics marquee
and also the finishing line....
*oh well they have to continue on for a few more km before u-turning back to this point*
there were already RUNNERS CROSSING the finishing line
splashing themselves with cold water and downing 100 plus
-_-" are these human or wat?
we did 1.6km and they've done 5.6km????

as we sat thru for the next hour waiting for our TEAM member to cross the line
we saw so many casualties at the medics marquee....
I think due to the number of participants, accidents can't be prevented...
ppl falling on the road/pavement hurting themselves, from the ankles to the arm to FINGERS!!!!!!
it was a bloody scene at the Medics Marquee...
an hour past.....and more participants crossed the finish line
non of our team members made it yet...
the sun set....and my heart skipped longing to be at the Flyer
my stomach growling fr hunger coz I did 1.6km!!!!!! hahahahahha
my sensitive nose twitched with all the sweat + BO comin fr all the angmohs participants

later the team member came gushing one by one at the finish line
all RED and SWEATY and panting for breathe...and swore never ever again

MD: "No gals.....I've registered all of you for Great Eastern Run this July!!! pls come prepared coz it's a 10km run"
Monkey faints~~~~~~~
Singapore CBD fr the flyer
it was a good very first marathon :P
I had fun doin ppl-watch though....hahahaha

now back to serious stuff:
JP Morgan Corporate Challenge 2011 is the 8th one being held in Spore
it's a worldwide event runnin consecutively from London, New York to Sydney
all proceeds will go to MILK and ACM

pics stolen fr the web hehehehe
it's Mr. Jochen Kuenzel of Boston Consulting vs Mr. Ho of UBS sprinting to the finishing line

and the results:
MEN -- Christopher Yates of BP Singapore *yaaay go go BP!!!!!*
WOMEN -- Jenny Lundgren of Standard Chartered Singapore

and after this race.....we sprinted to the hawkers centre for char kuey teow, satays, carrot cake, hokkien mee, grilled chicken wings and pilled on more than we burned :P

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bar Rouge, Switzerland

it's all RED....well Rouge means RED anyway
this place only liven up 2 weeks in a year...and it's packed to the brim
thank gawd we are petite enuff.....kekekekekekeke
perched on the top floor of the highest building in the whole of Basel
it's pretty scary though coz our table was just by the glass window
no steel bar or anything to block drunkards fr crashing banging the glass window
the view would be fantastic during the day with all the Swiss mountains
and believe me...since it's so's so HAWT!!!!
yeah in terms of temperature and people.....-_-
Monkey & Baby Wei
one pic of us....sober....
can't see the view at the back...we actually wanted a pic of us + view

basically it's everyone fr the industry
guess we can't get enuff of each other during the day

boss of Italy....err is tat a Moet u serving us?
talking bout Italy...I have yet to shop for my Mafia Chic dress for a VVIP event this weekend
Baby Wei and the Botaks....
fr Italy and Spain

her fav of the nite fr Romania
hmmm suddenly it felt like Macho/Cute Pageant
just like beauty pageant huh?
coz in this industry the men definitely out-numbered the ladies
so ladies....there's more eye candy for u all.
our dearie colleague.....crashed onto the sofa ady....
Greg has got really big hands *as compared to mine*
Mall looked so tipsy here.....she can't locate the camera
we took so many shots but none of it that she focus on the camera -_-
"it's over there darlin!!!!" pointed Greg

and this crazy gal didn't zzzzz the whole nite and went back to work in a few hours time
lookin perfectly fine and professional..

the next day at work....
"Cava Mallorie? Bien? D'accord?"
Mall: "Je suis bien Cherry.....merci.." and gave me the sweetest smile
Group Picca!!!!!
the CORUM family :))))
Hyper Clare, Nasser, Damien and Greg
we spotted a red lobster among the mermaids and fishes
our dearie sexay hawt intern Lucie

well everyone worked seriously hard during the day
but partay-ed harder at nite
I dunno at this rate every long everyone can last

with full schedule during the day....
and fuller by nite
all I can identify was my Monkey feet were so sore with all the standings during the day and dancing at nite

and guess wat considered we went home early :P
by 3am.....kekekekkekekeke...
yea the 9.30am appointment kept on ringing in our head we can't afford to partay till sunrise

Bar Rouge
Ramada Hotel,
Messeplatz 10,
4058 Basel, Switzerland.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Away notice......

JP Morgan Corporate Challenge...pls await the arrival of Ms Monkey
in her running shoes..
arghhhh how to run 5.6km leh?

but in the name of charity....we shall totter 5.6km in JOY
wish me luck ok :))))))))))))

pssttttt: got short cut ar?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Prince C's big bash

it was a really big dinner which was planned weeks in advance
friends from abroad flew in from Spore and Australia for this
or those who simply lurve to test their mean machine, crossed the causeway :))))
pretty long menu but can't beat the wines
we have more wines than food and Sommelier Timothy helped out with arrangement
all the way fr Singapore...
this is wat I call...remote-management.....hahahaha
it would be fantastic if he can join us here but we can't take him away fr Les Amis for a nite could we???
Monkey & I-Ching and yes she is very very tall
even with my 6 inches heels I looked like a hobbit
Birthday boy Prince C and I-Ching
need to take a nice pic while everyone is still sober and pretty
GOE flew in the same day
both of them share the same birthday *but different year*
Flatmate Amy & GOE
I seriously need to change ur nick already Amy....coz u r no longer Flatmate
upgraded status....hehehehehe unless u consider tat downgrade :P
Monkey & Si Fu!!!!!!!
we started off with 3 dozens of oysters :P
actually not a lot considering there's so many of us plus Birthday Boy alwiz have a dozen by himself

amuse bouche and by that time we already had a champagne and 3 white wines
more oyster!!!!
tartare of scallop and oyster with caviar and its jus
cold pasta is a must have
cold capellini with king crab and mentaiko
eppy eppy Monkey but she can't drink much coz she's driving!!!!!
initially we were contemplating to take a cab to and fro but then by popular demand *including meself* we wanted to head to Soo Kee for supper so die die must drive!!!!
the other side of the table....the restaurant should provide us walkie talkie to talk to each other
but being us, we just moved around fr end to end
next course was the crowd's favourite
confit of white asparagus with lobster and mollet egg
combine the egg yolk and gelee and YUM
i forgot to wipe my plate clean with bread :P *the Italian way*
hot pasta
tagliolini pasta with shirauo and yukari
shirauo = must be the white bair
yukari = type of seaweed???? we dunno
King George Fillet with Morel and spinach puree
the fish was fantastic, just the right portion
due to my cholesterol level, this one has to go to tapau bag
roasted foie gras with pear and periguex
busy diggin in......nom nom nom nom nom nom
wagyu tenderloin with bavette
somehow there's another selection of main - Pyrenes lamb with houba miso
and I forgot to snap pic of it
line up of the nite......
allow me to introduce
the ever green Dom Perignon 1996
well it is the vintage of that decade
Haut-Brion 93 and I think no one can pick this up
this one was my favourite....Chevalier Montrachet hehheehe
last time we dun spend on Grand Cru white we do :P
well it doesn't make sense rite if white wines cost as much as red????
anyway we never turned back after tat
who brought this yea??????
this one was easy to pick up....hehehehehehehe
21 years old wine....
the other bottle of champagne...Salon blanc de blanc
of coz everyone preferred this over the mass produced Dom Perignon

we should open an a bottle fr ambonnay lar...
if only we have more stocks from Ambonnay those rare maker...
*time to go to Artisan to load more stocks liao*
La Chapelle was too young and everyone thought it was non-french...
FAVOURITE of the nite......1989 Barbaresco
it was very rounded and complete...
hmmm I dunno how to define the "completeness" of this bottle but very very drinkable
Munchy brought a 1976 his oldest vintage in his cellar *for the time being*
thanks mate
Connoisseur TH brought a Sauternes a sweet wine for our foie gras
very good nose and palate
this one.....O_O
a 1967 Gaja
a 44 years old wine....even older than the bday boy
just by touching its bottle......the boys knew it's a Gaja
just by looking at its red neck...they knew it's in the 60's range

and the story of Munchy whackin Alcoholic Anonymous for not delivering his order of 1967 we knew it has got to be the one
Prince C managed to source this bottle of Petrus 1970
I'm not a pomerol fan and my last bottle was years ago a 1966 pomerol
and it is still SO BIG!!!! very big wine and definitely needs a longer cellaring
the thorn out of all the old world wine...came an Aussie
a 1988 Henschke Cyril.....
Face Off starring GOE and Petrus
Romantic movie I lap u - starring GOE *again* and Gaja 1967
but the real true love story will come soon this month end :)))))))))))))
hey mates, I have yet to buy my dress for that big day....
we gonna play Mafia!!!!! yeaaaaaa!!!!!!!
Connoisseur TH & Lovely Priscilla
with his glass of Sauteners I think...hehehehehe
the BFF the boyfriends the mates
Munchy & Wei Nee
this photo took so many shots coz the man had to talk and move during the shoot
and Wei Nee is perpetually every ready for the camera :)))))
the most photogenic couple!!!!!! J&J :))))
TQ for coming...hope u had a great drive with the mean machine :))))

Alcoholic Anonymous and his even more anonymous missus fr Adelaide
our pres-dessert of Vacherin
advertising for Gaja :P
drink Gaja and u'll be awesome
*pls dun tell Angelo or Gaia Gaja that*
his fav bottle and my fav of the nite

"I wish for my Ferarri(s) to come faster!!!!!"
then the cake arrived.......
one year older one year wiser....
and best of all...he really has grown up coz he can now consume CHILIS!!!!!!
bravo bravo!!!!
aaaaawwwWWWWwwwwww SWEET!!!!!!!
they looked like bride and the groom for the nite
bday boy making a toast

if want Ferrari need to buy number he's drawing for numbers
so after much calculation based on our bets....we could win up to 6.8 million
yes that's about enuff to buy the mean more wines!!!!!
and yes we wanna drink DRC RC

bday boy's pressie of DRC La Tache and Anne Gros *wat was it again*???
now he can go and start his collection of DRC
our dessert of Feuillantine of chocolate with pistachio ice cream
the remains of the mutilated bday cake
looks like Si Fu is givin someone a punch here
GOE was sweating or almost wanna pengsan

I promised I won't do it again!!!
actually GOE speaks and behave like SeeToh fr the Makansutra programme

J&J Jelina deep in discussion on the wine notes
y so serious????
sous-sommelier of the nite
is there such occupation?
Missy at her 2nd outing :))))))
actually there's more wines which we didn't open....
a Mouton Rothschild
Prince C & I-Ching
Happy Birthday again!!!!!!

and a big thank you to all the dearie friends!!!!!!

Cilantro Restaurant & Wine Bar
Micasa All Suite Hotel,
368-B, Jalan Tun Razak,
50400 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2179 8082