Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Birthday Pressie fr last year

yea....the pressie for meself took so long
9 mths to make
and finally it is HERE!!!!!!!
*star jump*
no I mean I am here in Switzerland to fetch her home!!!

coz the movement is one of its kind in the world.....totally aligned with such sheer transparency
u can see thru and enjoy the view
the gold bridge *by the way it's called Miss Golden Bridge - the official name* is hand-engraved with fern design
oh well u need a microscope to truly enjoy this engranving

again it took so long coz everything was hand assembled...
such a beauty and so easy to love
this watch is patented and definitely ain't easy to make
studded with 90 diamonds it's a sight to behold

but the reason why it took so long coz Monkey specifically wanted piece no.30
to commemorate my 30th birthday *gosh I am goin to be 31 soon!!!!*
and most of all I needed 9 months to save $$$$$ for this

welcome to my watch-robe missy!!!!
I'm gonna pimp u up soon with a WHITE crocodile strap
oh well I need to save $$$ again for tat

Sayang Sayang~~~~~~~


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Now ain't that AWESOME or what???



  2. Oh my love! I'm smitten.. she is a true beauty. I think White Crocs strap would suit her much better.

    love love love. Happy belated birthday.. wahaha.. and hope Switzerland is nice.

  3. Elly: yes babe!! she's AWESOME!!!!

    TL: yup, she won the award - the best female watch of 2010. My bday is coming soon again wakkakakaka...let's see wat to get myself *again* :P
