Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Flatmate Amy's Bridal Shower

Laurel, Champagne Queen Val, Samantha
beautiful ladies all still managed for me pretty smiles
coz we were still anchored at the Marina

so back to the STAR of this post....Flatmate Amy....
the day GOE held his glass to toast and made an announcement
it was THE DAY to be remembered...kekekekeke
coz it was very unexpected for all of us
Monkey was sooooo eppy she cried!!!!!!
damn it was drizzling...potong steam only...
but nothing can stop all these ladies fr having a great time...
first....pls swallow an anti-nausea pill first....
I took TWO....kiasu....
and so all of us were relegated to inside with comfy air cond
J&J Jelina busy wiping glasses there...

the ladies brought their drinks and champagnes flutes
only to be stopped by the skipper...

aiyak....then I re-read the briefing and safety HSSE bla bla bla....
really leh...no glasses aloud and no shoes :P
we had to deposit our pretty shoes manolo and louboutin watever thorns into the so un-glam FISH ICE BOX!!!!!!!!
then we were heading out to the open sea down south Singapore
Monkey was standing and wobbling at the same time trying hard to concentrate on the horizon
u can see Romeo the helper on the left...dunno wat he was doin coz the whole nite no one understands him
prollie he only speaks to Juliet
making a toast....thanking everyone...
she was sooooo sooo touched...
wait till u see our pressie leh!!!!
camera-lady's drink :)))))))))))))))
we can't eat yet....coz the yacht was still moving
nobody has got the appetite to eat :P
but we can drink.....so salah.....
romaine lettuce with crispy bacons :)))))))))))))))
sitting pretty in a plexiglass plate
remember no GLASSESS???????
sweet roma tomatoes and mozzarella cheese in basil dressin
and all the smellie aged grand cru French cheeses
pressie time!!!!!!
all the beautiful sexay lingerie
"How did u all know my size leh??!?!?!!"

Laurel was so smart to ask that certain someone whom not only checked on Flatmate Amy's wardrobe
but also called her personal shopper to triple confirm her size!!!!!
BBQ prawns

after we have anchored...it was still drizzling
Skipper told us we can't BBQ
and somehow Bagaholic managed to make them BBQ-ed for the ladies
in their raincoat + umbrella
:D heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
we were pretty tame that nite huh?????
coz 50% of the ladies dun drink
only "this" gang are alcoholics lar......
fish with a sprig of cute lil thyme and tomatoes
BBQ lamb
once the yacht was steady and all...we walked outside for some fresh evening air
and my it was so windy~~~~~~~
the nite view of Singapore city !!!!
the actual view was so much more breath-taking than this pic *of coz*
sneak a peek at inside...
Karen was our photog for the nite
careful there!!!! the yacht is still moving~~~~~~
Karen is so tall and slim and she makes GREAT DESSERT!!!!!
ppl alwiz tell me never trust a skinny chef wor...
but in this case, it didn't apply
Laurel came in nautical theme
nobody actually follow the dresscode
it was CARIBBEAN!!!!!
u can peek all the way down......during the day u may see fishes
but it was too dark and we were just hopping on top of it like a trampoline :P
dun worry...it definitely can carry all of our weights...
coz it's meant for guests to sleep on top to bask urself to death :P 
wif the SUN of coz
it was quite chilly and cool that we went back inside
before another yacht of men prollie celebrating their Bachelor Nite or something
they were circling our yacht

Flatmate Amy: "Wave ladies...wave!!!!"

sorry Flatmate Amy...we didn't prepare any stripper nor men for u to strip :P
yummy spring chicken!!!!
my favourite of the nite
and every piece was the thigh + drumstick part
this Pavlova was the STAR DISH of the nite
made by Karen
hand carried by Karen
boarded into the yacht by Karen
WAHHHHHHHHHHH so luxurious~~~~~~~
every single layer of it!!!!!
think I had 3 helpings :P
Karen also made TIRAMISU!!!!!!
sweet endings to our beautiful nite :))))))))))))
before we know it...it's almost midnite...time to go back~~~~~
our skipper Robert :P
"yess Maam" :P
Congratulations AMY!!!!!!!
we'll need to upgrade ur nick.....no more Flatmate status :))))))
we opened up the partition between inside and outside
so we can chat and roam freely :)))
and made a lot of noise :D
Jo sitting comfortably here
later on....only we have time to explore the rest of our yacht
at the lower deck there were 4 sleeping rooms
with a queen bed each and a toilet...
well just in case we had too much to drink can just crash here
at the outer deck
I think we drove the skipper and his assistant to total madness
hahahahha but I like :P

think they will not cater to any ladies client anymore :P
esp when u have 15 ladies altogether :))))))

so I am counting the days.....
very excited....
am already looking for my Mafia themed dress :D:D:D
I need a toy gun and JS needs his cigar...:P

but then Mafia's gfs and wives dun carry guns hor????
can I carry a lady smoke pipe then???

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