Friday, March 11, 2011

DIGI Women

sending off the Bride is alwiz fun
and most of all HILARIOUS :))))))))))
usually I'll end up luffing like a hyena most of the time
or should I say, all the time :P

reminded me of Hallmark Bears :)))))))))
so the Jimuis were instructed to arrive by 8.30am
and I went to the wrong house :P to the groom's side...
the Groom then pointed to me it's next door......

Heng Tai: "Wait!!! we got a SPY here!!!"
aiks....sorry sorry wrong house
Shell Shell the beautiful bride and Nee Lee

Mee Mee & Baby Rei all came in yellow :))))))
he looked so drowsy coz just woke up??

and Ms Monkey in DIGI yellow :P
did I tell u that Shell Shell used to work for DIGI before?
Jimui Briefing time......
I almost fainted when I saw all the "weapons"

wah this one very "canggih" leh.....
I really kenot wait.....already luffing when I saw it
all the Jimuis...missing Mee Mee coz she was with Baby Rei

then the Heng Tais decked in WHITE came barging in
well since u were the first one...u get early bird special

early bird special - u get to wear this......
it took some time to adjust the "Ribenas"
coz it kept moving everywhere except the right place
is that ALL that u ladies have got????

HMPHHH now u act macho...u wait!!!!
we are definitely not done yet!!!!
well we LADIES lurve to play BARBIE
after dressing Barbie up we usually put make up for her
and since u r not KENT for TODAY u r our BARBIE!!!!!
"wei.....u ladies dun b ROUGH wif me can or not???? Be gentle PLS!!!!!"
"Do I Look pretty?? Can I see the mirror??? oh GAWD!!!!?

dun worry Heng Tai...u see all the Jimui so pretty...u sure pretty one!!!!!
I swear...I saw tears brimming at the corner of his eyes...
I just hope it was bcoz his eyes were sensitive to all the eye shadows..
wei.............we used Estee Lauder ok!!!! so should b fine!!!!

"hey kiddo...wat u looking at?? Neva see Pretty Man before????"I am so sorry Kid.....that u have to see this....U'll understand when u grow up.
OK now drink your RIBENAS
I dunno why they had to purposely make so much of noise and sound and actions while drinking
it wasn't an easy task but a feat coz the Ribena kept on spurting out without effort
we had to use a garbage bag to contain  unGLAM

just damn hilarious to see Heng Tai standing there with Ribena spurting non stop
macam Madonna lar u
"I felt so molested........sob sob sob....."
Pei Fun brought a lot of WAXING strips....
and she had to choose the Heng Tai with the most HAIR
and who happens to be her BOYFRIEND!!! could u???? it was his very 1st time playing Heng Tai
so he's a HengTai-Virgin
I think he'll never wanna do this again......
he oso happens to be a Waxing-Virgin

and definitely it was extremely painful....coz no proper preparation were done
just smack the whole strip there....rubbed it hard so the strip will just work wonders
eh wat brand is this yea??? so good leh!!!!

and Mr. Virgin took this with such machoness...
and left with a raw square patch of hair-less calf as souvenier
YOGA pose all failed.....coz they just looked like Dogs taking a pee pee by the road side
shows their fitness level is just ZERO

then they were a few other games before they just BARGED in
not until u pay up!!!!!!!!!
and finally after 1.5 hours they were let in

Happily ever after~~~~~~
and then we had 2 Tea Ceremonies
I didn't notice Shell's nails were so pretty tat day :)))))))))))

and a simple prayers for health and happiness
hmmm why everyone looking so serious in this shot
Group piccas wif Baby Rei and MIL
Thank u to Jimui PikShi
TQ oso to Jimui Pei Fun

Wishing both Shell Shell & Huei Great Happiness
and I can't wait for our next climbing outing :)))))))))

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