Monday, February 14, 2011

Le Maison du Chocolat, Paris

Caramel, coffee and chocolate eclairs linin pretty by the window
Le Maison du Chocolat boutique was just next to our hotel
and it was easy passing by everyday without having to go inside
but JS managed to suppressed Monkey's needs :P

established in 1955 this chocolate boutique is famous for their eclairs
so how not to have one rite?????
with boutiques in Paris to Tokyo and New York
their chocolat tarts are very famous too....
look how refined and how thin the pastries were
and of coz macarons....
it's everywhere!!!!
from hotel breakfast to the streets to the malls and boutiques
and on our dining table...and even hotels gave macarons as goodnite chocolates 
xmas is the best time to shop with all the beautiful windows display
chocolates all decked in different shapes and design and flavours
from dark chocolate to normal to flavoured chocolate and of coz white chocolates.
since die die must try their eclairs....
we bought one....
it cost Euro 5.50 = RM 22
it was very nice
crispy pastry topped with chocolate 
and filled with chocolat fondant

but I think I prefer the one at Dijon
half the price and equally as good

visit their website for more chocolat yumminess


  1. Love love love this place! too bad it's only avail in NYC.

  2. There's a branch in Hong Kong as well. :)

  3. Kindy Chai: When u flying off to Tokyo/NYC/Vegas??? Too many destination I can't follow :) hiak hiak hiak

    Michelle: Thanks for the info!!! Nice informative blog u have there :) Keep it up!!!

  4. May Ng7:30 PM

    Hmmm Mouth is watering

    I stop by every time in HK for at least 2-3 bites! So goood!

  5. May: guess u are a Chocoholic :))))))
