Thursday, January 27, 2011

Reims the heart of Champagne

Monkey & Berr inside the TGV fast train
all ready to leave Paris to Reims which is about 80 miles away
so with a fast train it's less than an hour
TGV First Class cabin was nothing fantastic compared to Trenitalia in Italy
Trenitalia is more comfortable and most of all there's a food cart goin around the first class but not TGV
prollie coz it was a short journey....:(((((((

I was so looking fwd to my "train ride" food then :P
JS was like -_-" train and plane food where got nice???
well I lurve MAS's Nasi Lemak and Satays
and also Cathay Pacific's beef brisket!!!!
and Emirates's arrays of mezze
JS -_- x 100000000
I was amazed that Reims is quite a big city and very modern
earlier, Monkey was imagining "Kampung" :P
Reims was a very historical city and played important roles during the Roman Empire
as we strolled along the street on a Sunday afternoon.....there's so much to see here
from the beautiful Cathedral to the Basilica and shopping :D
hehehehhe yes shopping :)))
hehehhehe yes shopping at H&M
I ran towards it and JS was like......slaps forehead and wondered why the hell a kampung like this has got H&M
Reims has got La Fayette departmental store too!!!!!!! *equivalent to Harrods*
since there was no "train" food.....I must feed my tummy first :D
and we arrived Reims on the right time of the year
with Christmas Fair/market/kiosks all lined up on the main street
selling lil trinkets to YUMMY FOOD and all the christmassy stuffs
fried crispy-on-the-outside-chewy-on-the-inside dough
then sprinkled with icing sugar!!!!!!!
all eppy eppy again
and JS was nagging at Monkey

"Tonite got dinner at the beautiful Les Crayeres, dun spoil your appetite"
:((((( but this is my lunch wor :(((((((
see lar readers...I kesian or not?
after snacks then it's time for weeeeEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee time!!!!!!!!
ahhhh!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!! it's a miniature HORSE!!!!
at first I thought it was a mule or donkey....but later found out it's a breed fr the horse family
SO CUTE!!!! i wanna take them home!!!!!!!
but so poor thing.....they were made to work like donkeys in the cold
no Monkey can't ride this.....the miniature horse will fall flat on their bellies with all 4 legs sprawled
but the french kids were so happy to climb on them and ride round round round this enclosed area
we stayed like 10 steps away fr the centre of the town, which was this landmark
anyway Reims town is small but there's a lot to see and do
no it was not snowing....just some deco in town centre
but wanna make this pic looked like we were at some arctic place :P
ice skating anyone?

the city/town/village is pretty quaint huh?
but underground this place were tunnels and caves used by champagne makers to age their bubblies
it's like a maze down under dated as old as the roman empire
will blog more bout Champagne/Reims soon :)))


  1. Reims is a small town and very business like and not a village as one would imagine.......that's why got H&M :))

  2. so very very time we go to village, town, city that has got H&M ok? :))))))
