Thursday, December 23, 2010

Les Deux Magots

Les Deux Magots translated to the two agents got its name fr the two chinese wooden statues inside its cafe
It's our favourite place for breakfast :))))))

established since 1884 it's truly a Parisian cafe
Pablo Picasso and Ernest Hemingway were patrons of this cafe

Les Deux Magots was the centre and meeting place for the elite intellectuals of Paris
today, it is still a famous cafe for the elite Parisian sipping their coffees watching the day goes by
U'll read more postings on this lil place coz I can't remmber how many times we went there
but enuff times to sample a lot of yummy stuffs at Les Deux Magots
their croissants were to die for with its crispy caramelised outer skin
supposed all croissants in France are good...but somehow we did tried some at other cafe which were a disappointment
JS had his favourite of all time bacon and eggs :P
he lurves the cripsy outer edge of the fried eggs
and of coz the yummy free range chicken eggs
all eggs in France were so creamy
got to be its freshness
okie I know this is a bit too luxurious for breakfast but I had it :P
oeufs de saumon, toasts et creme
the double cream was extremely yummy which balanced the saltiness of the salmon eggs
and squeezed some fresh local lemon for a tinge of sour sweetness
well I dun know how to describe this sour sweetness
anyhow winter is the season for citrus :)))))))
they still maintained the old classic beautiful floor tiles
the chinese wooden statue :)))))
all the waiters are Parisian and they are very proud of their identity
we are also very proud of them coz they took great pride at their work, food and service

do look out for more postings on Les Deux Magots :))))

Les Deux Magots Cafe
6 place Saint-Germain-de-Pres,
75006 Paris.
Tel: + 33 (0)1 45 48 55 25

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