Tuesday, December 21, 2010

J'adore Paris

La mer
Qu'on voit danser le long des golfes clairs
A des reflets d'argent
La mer
Des reflets changeants
Sous la pluie

La mer
Au ciel d'ete confond
Ses blancs moutons
Avec les anges si purs
La mer bergere d'azur

Pres des etangs
Ces grands roseaux mouilles
Ces oiseaux blancs
Et ces maisons rouillees

La mer
Les a berces
Le long des golfes clairs
Et d'une chanson d'amour
La mer
A berce mon coeur pour la vie

Lurve this song...
go find it on You Tube
La mer by Charles Trenet
Remember to enjoy urself while listening to it
Life is just beautiful when u make it happen


  1. G'day JS and Cher-ry,

    Hope you're having a great time in Europe.

    Wishing both of you a blessed and safe Christmas. All the best for the New Year and 2011.

    Best wishes

  2. thevi8:54 AM

    My absolute fav song too! Hhuhuhuhuhu..

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to Monkey and Iron Chef JS!

    Love, Thevi, Stuey, Aiden and Baby!

  3. Mef: We just got home!!!!! Merry Christmas to u too Mef!!! and have a smashing celebration :))))

    Hot Mama Thevi: TQ TQ....how is baby doin? :))) got a list of name for her yet? :))))

  4. Hye mef. Think i have had and seen enuf snow for the rest of the year and was so happy to see torrential rainfall in kul this afternoon :)) wishing u a very merry Christmas......and definitely no snow down under :)

    Thevi, we still hv an outstanding cook out session!! :))
