Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Our Spice Project

our dearie Spice project
requested by: JS
submission to be done by: ASAP
Submitted by: Nee Lee & Monkey
ohhhh thank u so much Nee Lee for helping me to complete this :))))

JS requested all his spices to be labeled and merchandised accordingly in his "spices pantry"
Monkey has got no idea wat spice is which is wat is where is why
I only know how to eat :D heheheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

so when it comes to labeling....my expertise was to dash out and got the sticker labels
and the spice jars fr IKEA *all 20 of them*
shopped together with JS to get all the spices he needed

some packets were labeled in English some in Bahasa
T_T wasn't easy for me :P there weren't like in both languages

so for the past whole week of last week....Monkey had been harassing Nee Lee
Monkey: "What do u call Chili Flakes in bahasa?"
Nee Lee: *paused for sometime.....thought hard......* "Emping Cili Kering!!!!!"

Monkey: "U sure?????? I tot emping is like for snacks and cornflakes????"
well true enuff in Indonesia, for flakes, they use emping....

Monkey: "How do u translate Long Pepper?"
Nee Lee: "Lada Panjang?"

-_-" I am sure there's another name, it's called Pippali in Tamil....but at the end of the day.....
Monkey chose Lada Panjang hehehehe

then the rest fell into place such as
Coriander = Ketumbar
Fennel = Jintan Manis
Cloves = Bunga Cengkih
Fenugreek = Biji Halba
Cardomom = Pelaga
Cinnamon = Kayu Manis
Turmeric = Kunyit
Candlenut = Buah Keras
Cumin = Jintan Putih
Poppy seeds = Biji Kas kas
and the usual black/white pepper

and he needed them in seeds and in powder version
so there's biji and serbuk

Monkey went from knowing nuts bout spices to translating them English - Bahasa

"Why the hell u need so many stuffs and spices to cook????"
JS: "Coz I make everything fr scratch......"


"and what's this??? they looked the same!!!!! how do u even differentiate it??? same color, same texture, same size, same shape."
JS: "U recognise it by smell...."
smelled the same to me T_T

so folks if u wanna "giling" your chili or get your spices mix....u can go ask JS
he makes his own curry powder concoction for all his curries
only crazy cooks do this these days
but of coz the results were AMAZING YUMMY CURRIES!!!!!!!!
*this reminded me of another Si Fu who does this....everything fr scratch with floating chilis in his curries*

so u like our Spice Project?
I hope hope hope no more errors *cross mai fingers*

Thank u Nee Lee....:)))

U've been such an inspiration and motivator when I was pulling my hair
yeah I know such an easy tasks oso need to pull hair
for me....it's a FEAT!!!!!!
and yep the fridge is finally complete with the stainless steel pelmet at the top
initially there was a gap
more stainless steel pelmets to be installed here n there in the kitchen
right now they looked like rat holes here n there...wahahahahahaha

okie I've done the spice project....
wat's next?


  1. thevi8:33 AM

    JS: "Coz I make everything fr scratch......"

    Spoken like a true Iron Chef! ;-D

    Monkey, thanks to your hard work, assembling my spice rack now would be easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!

  2. A pity that BP lost you as a merchandiser/cat man. You're a real pro, makes me quiver in shame! My spices are everywhere although I know EXACTLY where they are >.<

    JS : I salute you. Your spice drawer is what I will work towards.. when we get our proper place sometime.

  3. And *faints* WHO puts pelmets at home! OMG... it's like walking into my store last time "Make sure you close this gap here", I instructed. "Need to flush this corner as well"

    But at home? so power!

  4. Hot Mama Thevi: I think u will have more spices than him with the amount of cooking u do and all the yummylicious curries...u bz preparing for Diwali? :)))

    TL: TQ TL :))) I will work harder to maintain this...coz if u noticed...it's arranged according to usage vis alphabetical order. This way the chef would be able to locate all his stuffs.

    yeah Pelmets at home :P So BP right? wait till u see our air-cond...it's just like the shop in BP...did I also mentioned there was project timeline for this home, just like BP...*we r copycats*

  5. The spice rack is meant for easy access with good visibility
    "What gets seen gets used".........all CATMAN out there......sounds familiar?? :)

  6. Cherry : So when I walk into the store.. ooops, I mean house, will I be greeted with "Selamat Datang, pump nombor apa? Do you want some kitkat with that?" (Upselling)

    JS : You caught on to catman like fish in water (haha). So, what is your next project around the house?

  7. TL......my current top secret project is to develop a planogram for my wine display.......by country, then by region n eventually by domaine :))

  8. Woooohhhhh.. Plannogramme! Brings back fond memories of my working days.
    What is domain in wine terminology? Oh, this sounds like so much fun. Hahaha. I'm sure Cherry is excited already.

  9. Domaine = wine maker = in some cases chateau n in some cases simply a name. Different countries (old world) hv different system of classification whilst newer world wines actually do not hv a classification system for instance Australia!!! By hving a classification n control system u actually add value to the product I guess. It's a guarantee of quality for wine enthusiast n for the country concern prob national pride n a lot of passion or is it madness :))))

  10. Domaine = wine maker = in some cases chateau n in some cases simply a name. Different countries (old world) hv different system of classification whilst newer world wines actually do not hv a classification system for instance Australia!!! By hving a classification n control system u actually add value to the product I guess. It's a guarantee of quality for wine enthusiast n for the country concern prob national pride n a lot of passion or is it madness :))))

  11. TL: errrr it will be long term project coz Monkey is taking care of the "artwork" for the walk in chiller...fr sticking cork painstakingly one by one to its wall + the wine crates....*pulls hair*
