Friday, November 12, 2010

Dinner with Princes

Dinner with Prince(s) a lot of work.......
have to prepare food that are kids friendly
no spicy stuffs
no alcoholic stuffs
and it have to be food that they eat or edible to them
most of all, food must be attractive and presentable to entice their appetite
*aiya got food u eat lar!!!!*
and JS attempted egg tart, everything made fr scratch
including the pastry
cooked the eggs, sugar, milk and lotsa vanilla beans

while Monkey just need to roll it out as thinly as possible
and transfered it to the baking tray plus putting some with a fork
heeeeeee that's the best that I can do....
think I still prefer to play with my Play-Doh
 and playing wif my piano
see must have structure and colors
even plates must be colorful
yup we used quite a number of Sicilian inspired plates
rather than the normal white

JS made 3 different types of pasta for the kiddos
and they slurped and slurped including their daddy -_-"
the 3 princes - Tremain, Caden and Brian
once done feeding and accommodating their dietary needs
they had a merry time just pushing my furniture around
and Monkey punished them to re-arrange everything before they can have desserts

and the Princes luffed at each other that they are playing "kakak" 
coz they dun do housework and that serves u boys rite...
never touch my stuffs ok?
 once we were done with the kids.....time for the adults to enjoy our FOOD and drinks!!!!!
this one was totally AWESOME
Japanese somen blanched and plunged....
mixed with XO sauce and chilis......topped with lotsa lards on top 
garnish with finely chopped spring onions

but it wasn't long before the kiddos came over asking for desserts
 topped with lotsa fresh blueberries
actually u r supposed to take ur own sweet time and arrange the blueberries
one at a time to form a proper circle
but since we gonna tuck em into the tummy....cincai la!!!!!
 dust it with icing sugar
yum yum!!!
good to have kids at home once a while
coz they'll help u to finish all ur food esp dessert
*provided it's presentable, colorful, attractive, good portion, aromatic, tasty, yummy, easy to bite, can swallow easily, not spicy, not sour, not bland, no alcos*

okie now this auntie has to crack her head to prepare your next menu
the very next time u bunch of monkeys r here


  1. The blueberry tart looks yummeh!!

  2. txs baby sumo. its actually very ez to make :)

  3. Baby Sumo: Dun believe him when he said "it's easy"....
