Friday, October 29, 2010

Seafood at Bukit Tambun, Penang

weird looking was very very poke-y and spookie :P
out of curiosity we ordered a kilo to try

Bukit Tambun is in the mainland of Penang
and famous for its fresh seafood and most's DIRT CHEAP
however it failed to impress me coz apart fr its freshness
*well all fresh ingredients will definitely taste great*
there's basically not much of a variety and its fishes didn't come fr this part of the world
*mostly all fr Sabah -_-*

or perhaps we just went to the wrong shop
think Hai-boey in Penang Island is still the best :D
in terms of total dining experience from food, service, ambience to price
anyway back to the weird looking mollusc.....dunno wat it's called...
but it's crunchy and tasted earth???
prollie it's fr shallow sea water or wat???
sweet and sour mud crabs....there's a lot of roe innit
but in terms of flava can do better
think we oso had a fish which was not in my pic bank....
and fresh mantis prawns - steamed with soy sauce

prollie I'll be more adventurous next time and try the other outlets as well
coz this place is nearby the swamp and prawn farms
with quite a number of outlets competing for your business

Parking is horrendous and narrow - only one lane
since it's so dirt cheap....pile urself up with anything & everything that they have :P

forgotten the name of the restaurant
Monkey failed hehehehe

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