Friday, October 15, 2010

Object of Desire 0008

Bottega Veneta Intrecciato Pointilisme Knot in Antique Pink

it was a kill that 5 minutes yesterday...
and I had to walk into the boutique

It's been 5 months since I last bought a bag
*pressies dun count k....*
prollie I should's been 5 long long months since I last bought a bag for MESELF
*sigh followed by clap clap clap*

one of BV's masterpiece...the KNOT now comes with a beautifully and meticulously embroidered design on its super soft intrecciato

mistake lead to another one....
I had to get the Sales Consultant to retrieve it from its glass display
and I HELD IT!!!!!
*held breathe too*
I saw this clutch last month in a magazine
didn't know it's even more Exotic in real life
such understated elegance

oh pls Monkey....dun get it...dun even think bout it but why the hell am I blogging bout it now
prollie by writing bout it....I'll feel much better. :(((((

*3 seconds later*
dom dee dum....nope...I still feel the same...lusting for it...

Retailing at RM 8,900
hell no...I'm not gonna get it in Msia...unless the whole world ran out of stock

to view more beautiful Fall/Winter 10 Collection especially its Wool Loop Bag
which cost about the small cabat...
OMG...let's not talk bout bags for the rest of the day....*pulls hair*


  1. After 5 long months, I think you could get it if you really like it so much :P

    The colour is very you! hehehe

  2. Nee Lee: Oh Nee Lee u r the BEST!!!! *hugs*

  3. JS: hehehe so can I? *wink wink wink*

  4. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Kudos to Monkey! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Tahan!!!! Where can u get BV in KL? See, aunty Elly is so so outdated.

  5. errrRRRR......uncle js also can tell you'smat starhill :)

  6. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Starhill....hahaha, let me see... the last I step into Starhill was in year 2004 I think. Muakakakakkakaka.....

    Thank you for the info and no, u are too young to be called uncle. :)


  7. errrRRRR....thats like 1 decade ago....haha :)
    anyway you haven't missed many new places in kul nowadays :)

  8. Elly: Yep Lower Ground Floor of Starhill. The price stated was the Retail Price in RM.

    very exquisite clutch hor??? :))))))))

  9. Anonymous8:00 PM

    oh yeah.....look like Candy! Abby saw it and said :" mommy, candy bag!Nice!" hahaha

  10. Elly: wahhh Lil Abby is so cute and clever!!! *clap clap clap*

    This Mommy Elly already started her off this early huh?
